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Name: University of California - Berkeley
Dept: HEI
Center: Health Effects Institute
EPA Region:9
Street Address:
Zip Code:94720

Associated Project Details for: University of California - Berkeley
3 Projects listed for this institution:
R828112C078 Effects of Ozone on Pulmonary Function and Airway Inflammation in Normal and Potentially Sensitive Human Subjects Center April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2005
R828112C081 Long-Term Exposure to Ozone: Development of Methods to Estimate Past Exposures and Health Outcomes Center April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2005
R828112C082 Effects of Ambient Ozone on Healthy, Wheezy, and Asthmatic Children Center April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2005

120 Additional Projects listed as performed at this location:2354
R826709 Centers of Excellence in Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Center August 1, 1998 through July 31, 2003
R826709C001 Community Based Intervention to Reduce Pesticide Exposures to Young Children Center January 1, 1998 through January 1, 2002
R826709C002 The Epidemiological Investigation of the Effects of Pesticide Exposure on Neurodevelopmental, Growth, and Respiratory Health of Farmworker Children Center January 1, 1998 through January 1, 2002
R826709C003 A Comprehensive Assessment of Sources of Pesticide Contamination, Concentrations in Pathways, and Exposure-prone Behavior Center January 1, 1998 through January 1, 2002
R828678C017 The Short and Long-Term Respiratory Effects of Exposure to PAHs from Traffic in a Cohort of Asthmatic Children Center January 2, 2001 through December 31, 2005
R831710 Center for Children's Environmental Health Research Center May 1, 2004 through October 31, 2008
R831710C001 A Community-Based Participatory Research Project: CHAMACOS Center May 1, 2004 through October 31, 2008
R831710C002 Pesticide Exposure Assessment Project Center May 1, 2004 through October 31, 2008
R831710C003 Mechanisms of Pesticide Neuro and Immunotoxicity in Children Project Center May 1, 2004 through October 31, 2008
R831710C004 Community Outreach and Translation Core Center May 1, 2004 through October 31, 2008
R832362 The Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment (CAMRA) Center September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2010
F07C10513 The Effects of Income on Climate-Related Mortality Rates Fellowship January 1, 2007 through January 1, 2010
F07D10639 Salicylic Acid Signaling in Plant Immunity Fellowship September 1, 2007 through September 1, 2010
F5B20284 Advancing Hybrid Solar Technology by New Nano-Material Investigation Fellowship September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2008
F5C10394 Does the cleanup of chemical pollution improve human health? Evidence from the Superfund Program Fellowship September 5, 2005 through August 8, 2005
F5C30541 Linking Traditional Knowledge And Environmental Policy In The Cherokee Nation Of Oklahoma Fellowship September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2007
F5D30812 The Presence Of Dialkylphosphates In The Environment And Their Contribution To Characterizing And Assessing Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure. Fellowship August 1, 2005 through August 8, 2005
F5E11185 Influence of Wetland Degradation on Amphibian Limb Malformations: Interactions Among Parasite Infection, Pesticide Contamination, and Eutrophication Fellowship August 8, 2005 through August 31, 2007
F6A20648 Mercury Isotope Fractionation During Transport and Transformation Processes Fellowship August 22, 2006 through August 21, 2009
F6C10794 Economic and Life-Cycle Assessment Modeling of Biofuel Policy. Fellowship September 1, 2006 through August 1, 2009
F6C20124 Reliability of Electric Power from Geographically Dispersed Wind and Solar Resources Fellowship September 1, 2006 through September 1, 2009
F6C30154 Equity in Water Management Fellowship September 1, 2006 through September 1, 2009
F6D20958 Determining the Role and Function of Plant Inducible Antisense RNA in the Epiphytic Fitness of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Fellowship September 1, 2006 through September 1, 2009
F6F11201 The Ecological Role of Pre-colonial Peoples in Central Coastal California Fellowship September 1, 2006 through September 1, 2009
F6F11217 Serpentine as a Model System for Edaphic Adaptation: Addressing the Role AMF Play in Plant Adaptation to Toxic Soils Fellowship September 1, 2006 through September 7, 2008
FP916318 Integrating Environmental Decision Making Into a Framework for Farm Policy: Advancing Indicators Programs for Sustainable Agriculture Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
FP916379 Participation of Marginalized Communities in Watershed Management: An Analysis of the CALFED Watershed Program Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
FP916380 Examining Genetic Population Structure in the Invasive Aphid Pest Hyalopterus pruni and its Parasitoid Aphidius transcaspicus: Implications for Improving Biological Control Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004
FP916382 An Integrated GIS Model of Bovine Tuberculosis in a Population of African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer): Exploring Management Options in Kruger National Park, South Africa Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004
FP916423 Bacterial Cross-Talk in the Phyllosphere: Interference of Pseudomonas syringae's Quorum Sensing System Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
FP916442 Development and Validation of the Daphnia cDNA Microarray as a Method for Predicting Metal Contamination in Aquatic Environments Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
FP916933 Microbial Community Structure and Function in Response to Accelerated Bioremediation of Subsurface Uranium Fellowship August 1, 2008 through August 1, 2011
FP916951 Incorporating Sustainable Transportation into the Development Assessment Process: Exploring Methods to Estimate Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Public Transit Mode Shares Fellowship September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2011
FP961384 What Causes Asthma? A Long-Run Analysis of the Relationship Between Air Pollution and Asthma Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
GF9500332 Risk and the Structure of Vulnerability in the Rural South Fellowship June 1, 1995 through  
GF950776 Study of Molecular Basis for Pathogen Recognition and Signal Transduction Leading to Disease Resistance in Plants Fellowship September 1, 1995 through  
U914804 Process Stability of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal in Wastewater: The Effect of Varying Influent Quality Fellowship January 1, 1995 through January 1, 1996
U914939 Green by Design: Using Thermodynamics To Guide Decisions in Industrial Ecology Fellowship January 1, 1996 through January 1, 1999
U914950 Reconciling Consumption and Conservation: Using an Exergy-Based Measure of Consumption To Strengthen the Conceptual Framework of Industrial Ecology Fellowship January 1, 1996 through October 8, 1999
U914975 Social Movements Influencing Environmental Justice Fellowship January 1, 1996 through July 22, 1997
U914980 Implications of Nicotine Sorption on Indoor Surfaces on its Use as a Marker for Environmental Tobacco Smoke Fellowship January 1, 1996 through November 17, 1998
U914983 Biotransformation and Mineralization of BTEX Compounds and MTBE in Waste Mixtures by Enriched and Pure Cultures Fellowship January 1, 1996 through January 1, 1999
U915000 An Integrated Field Investigation of the Interactions Between Climate Change and Ecosystem Structure and Function Fellowship January 1, 1996 through January 1, 1999
U915136 Tracing the Course of an Introduced Pathogen: Population Biology of Fusarium circinatum and Epidemiology of Pitch Canker Disease Fellowship January 1, 1997 through  
U915142 Overgrazing the Range? Ethnoveterinary Medicine and Changing Views of Rangeland Ecology Fellowship January 1, 1997 through  
U915167 Creating Property Rights in Public Resources: The Role of Equity Fellowship October 1, 1997 through October 1, 2000
U915189 Exploring the Adequacy of Willingness to Pay in Wilderness Values and Valuation Fellowship January 1, 1997 through January 1, 1999
U915190 Property Lines and Forested Landscapes: Collective Action for Watershed Management Planning Fellowship July 1, 1997 through August 1, 2000
U915191 Biological Denitrification With a Mixed Hydrogen-Oxidizing Culture in a Membrane Reactor Fellowship October 1, 1997 through October 1, 2000
U915192 The Resuspension of Dust and Contaminated Particles by Abrasion Fellowship January 1, 1997 through  
U915207 Water Resource Development in the Santa Clara Valley, California Fellowship January 1, 1997 through  
U915219 Edge Effects on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Fragmented Oldgrowth Forests of the Pacific Northwest Fellowship August 1, 1997 through August 1, 2000
U915233 Remaking Places, Contesting Claims: Property, Identity, and Forests in Northern New Mexico Fellowship January 1, 1997 through  
U915242 Characteristic Time and Spatial Scales for Persistent Organic Pollutants Fellowship January 1, 1997 through  
U915243 Negotiated Access: Emerging Institutional Formations in the Forestry Sector of the Post-Soviet Russian Far East Fellowship May 1, 1997 through May 1, 2000
U915306 Urban Redevelopment: Assessing Legal Rights and Responsibilities Fellowship July 1, 1998 through July 1, 2001
U915320 Uncertainty, Expertise, and Environmental Decision Making Fellowship August 18, 1998 through August 1, 2001
U915400 Political Economy of Coal Mining on Navajo Land Fellowship January 1, 1998 through January 1, 2001
U915406 Negotiating Conservation: Peasants and Forest Conversion in the Buffer Zone of the Indio-Maiz Reserve, Nicaragua Fellowship September 1, 1998 through August 1, 2001
U915411 Economic Reform, NGOs and Cranes in Russia and China Fellowship September 1, 1998 through September 1, 2001
U915482 Nitrogen Removal in Constructed Wetlands: Enhancement of Nitrate Mass Transfer in the Denitrification Zone Fellowship January 1, 1998 through January 1, 2001
U915548 Modeling Regional Scale Ozone Sensitivity to Precursor Emissions with a Fuel-Based Motor Vehicle Emission Inventory Fellowship May 1, 1999 through May 1, 2002
U915559 Characterization of Reductive-Dechlorinating Microbial Communities Using a Combination of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization and PCR-Based Molecular Tools Fellowship December 1, 1999 through December 1, 2001
U915575 Floodplain Management and Ecosystem Function on the Stanislaus River: An Evaluation of Hydrologic and Fluvial Geomorphologic Alteration Fellowship August 1, 1999 through July 1, 2001
U915607 Seed Banks and Prescribed Burns: Factors Affecting Successful Control of French Broom and Restoration of Native Communities in Coastal California Grasslands Fellowship August 1, 1999 through August 1, 2002
U915636 High Islands and Low: The Biogeography of Fijian Coral Health Fellowship August 1, 1999 through August 1, 2002
U915644 Understanding Barriers to the Use of Renewable Energy for Remote Electrification by State Utilities in Thailand Fellowship September 1, 1999 through September 1, 2002
U915656 Developmental Effects of Complex Pollutant Mixtures: Organophosphates, Alkylphenols, and Larval Salmonid Ossification Fellowship January 1, 1999 through January 1, 2003
U915721 Prescribed Burning Impacts on Riparian and Stream Environments Fellowship August 1, 2000 through August 1, 2003
U915761 Political Ecology of Irrigation Management Transfer Fellowship August 1, 2000 through August 1, 2003
U915762 The Political Ecology of Cloves in Minahasa, Indonesia: The Effect of Changing Crediting Strategies on Land Management Fellowship May 1, 2000 through May 1, 2003
U915770 Enzymes Involved in Biological Phosphorus Removal: Polyphosphate Kinase from Sludge Fellowship August 1, 2000 through August 1, 2003
U915787 Consequences of Altered Hydrologic Regimes on a California North Coast Meadow Community Fellowship August 1, 2000 through August 1, 2003
U915816 Metapopulation Modeling and Optimal Habitat Reconstruction for Birds in South Australia Fellowship December 1, 2000 through December 1, 2002
U915893 The Effects of Pesticides on the Health of Children Living in the Salinas Valley of California Fellowship January 1, 2001 through January 1, 2002
U915939 Can Free Markets Deliver the Goods and Services? Quality in the Market for Household Solar Electric Systems in Kenya Fellowship January 1, 2001 through January 1, 2004
U915942 Prosecuting for the Environment: Legalistic Enforcement and the Rule of Law in Brazil Fellowship August 21, 2001 through August 1, 2004
U915973 Ecology and Conservation of the Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Central California Fellowship January 1, 2001 through January 1, 2004
U915997 The Role of Wolves as a Keystone Species: Examining the Ecological Effects and Conservation Implications of a Reintroduced Top Predator on the Scavenger Guild, Yellowstone National Park Fellowship January 1, 2001 through January 1, 2004
U916002 The Integration of GIS and Dynamic Modeling as the Basis for Alternative Codling Moth Management Strategies at a Regional Level in California Fellowship January 1, 2001 through January 1, 2004
U916013 Automotive Fuel Cells and Related Electrochemical Processes Fellowship January 1, 2001 through January 1, 2004
U916157 Microbial Signaling Influences Soil Nitrogen Mineralization and Plant Nitrogen Availability Fellowship January 1, 2003 through January 1, 2006
U916226 Climate Change, Land Use, and Malaria Transmission Fellowship January 1, 2003 through January 1, 2006
U916228 The Effects of Environmental Change on Food Webs and Structure Fellowship January 1, 2003 through January 1, 2006
R823342 The Microeconomy of Chemical Use on Residential Landscapes Grant May 1, 1995 through May 1, 1998
R824707 Deriving Biodiversity Option Value Within a Model of Biotechnology Research and Development Grant October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1997
R824761 Reproductive Health and Dioxin Exposure of Females of Seveso Grant October 1, 1995 through September 1, 1998
R824792 Quantification of Uncertainty in Air Quality Models Used for Analysis of Ozone Control Strategies Grant October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1998
R825312 Valuation of Risks to Human Health Insensitivity to Magnitude? Grant October 15, 1996 through October 14, 1999
R825353 Digestive Solubilization of Sediment-Sorbed Contaminants: A Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo Processes Grant December 1, 1996 through November 30, 1999
R825995 Stigma of Environmental Damage on Residential Property Values Grant October 1, 1997 through August 31, 1998
R826137 A Dose-Response and Susceptibility Investigation of Skin Keratoses and Hyperpigmentation due to Ingestion of Arsenic in Drinking Water Grant September 5, 1997 through September 4, 2000
R826601 Modeling Ozone Flux to Forests Across an Ozone Concentration Gradient in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA. Grant August 1, 1998 through October 31, 2002
R826783 Relationship of Ambient Particulate Matter to Heart Rate Variability and Cardiac Arrhythmias in Elderly Adults with Coronary Artery Disease Grant October 1, 1998 through September 30, 2000
R827104 Using Genetically Engineered Plants to Elucidate Factors Controlling Heavy Metal Tolerance and Sequestration and to Improve Heavy Metal Phytoremediation Efficiency Grant July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2001
R827448 Vulnerability Assessment of San Joaquin Basin Water Supply, Ecological Resources, and Rural Economy Due to Climate Variability and Extreme Weather Events Grant July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2002
R827634 Processes Controlling the Chemical/Isotopic Speciation and Distribution of Mercury from Contaminated Mine Sites Grant October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2002
R828011 Identification and Control of Non-Point Sources of Microbial Pollution in a Coastal Watershed Grant August 1, 2000 through July 31, 2003
R828292 Gene-Environment Interaction and Human Malformations Grant July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2005
R828827 Tracking Deterrent Messages in Environmental Enforcement Grant June 6, 2001 through May 31, 2003
R828896 Hybridization Between an Invasive Exotic and a Declining Native Amphibian: Molecular Characterization, Ecological Dynamics, and Genetic Remediation Grant August 20, 2001 through August 19, 2004
R829597 Computer-Aided Hybrid Models for Environmental and Economic Life-Cycle Assessment Grant January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2004
R829612 The Use of Marketable Permits for Pesticide Control Grant May 1, 2002 through April 30, 2005
R829627 Electrolysis and Ion Exchange for the In Process Recycling of Copper from Semi-Conductor Processing Solutions Grant January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2004
R829654 Embedding in Stated Preference Grant April 1, 2002 through March 1, 2003
R829665 Valuing Reduced Asthma Morbidity in Children Grant May 14, 2002 through December 31, 2006
R829803 Integrating Economic and Physical Data to Forecast Land Use Change and Environmental Consequences for California's Coastal Watersheds. Grant July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2004
R830899 Low Cost Organic Gas Sensors on Plastic for Distributed Environmental Monitoring Grant May 1, 2003 through April 30, 2006
R830964 Guiding Future Air Quality Management in California: Sensitivity to Changing Climate Grant March 22, 2003 through March 23, 2006
R831456 Comprehensive Tools to Assess Environmental Impacts of and Improve the Design of Semiconductor Equipment and Processes Grant December 5, 2003 through December 4, 2006
R831727 Examining Epidemiologic and Environmental Factors Associated with Microbial Risks from Drinking Water Grant December 23, 2004 through December 27, 2007
R832153 Explaining Variation in Corporate Environmental Performance Grant April 1, 2005 through March 31, 2007
R832439 Quantifying Stream Ecosystem Resilence To Identify Thresholds For Salmon Recovery Grant July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2007
R832734 PON1 as a Predictor of Differential Susceptibility of Children to Organophosphate Pesticides Grant March 20, 2006 through February 28, 2009
R832849 Consumer Labeling and Motivation Crowding-Out Grant April 10, 2006 through April 9, 2009
R833422 Transport and Transformation of Natural and Synthetic Steroid Hormones at Beef Cattle and Dairy Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Grant October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2010
SU831825 UV-Tube Design Concept for Sustainable, Point-of-Use Water Disinfection Grant September 30, 2004 through September 29, 2005
SU831853 Smart Growth: Infill Development Along a Multilane Transit Corridor Grant September 30, 2004 through May 30, 2005
SU832462 UV-Tube Design Concept for Sustainable, Point-of-Use Water Disinfection Grant September 30, 2005 through May 30, 2006
SU833553 Electrochemical Arsenic Remediation in Rural Bangladesh Grant September 30, 2007 through September 30, 2008

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