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Valleycrest Landfill Superfund Site

Site Information

photo of abandoned drums from 1970s
Historical photos
1999 panorama views

  • Alias(es): North Sanitary Landfill, North Dayton Sanitary Landfill
Contact Information

Public Affairs Specialist
Rafael P. Gonzalez (gonzalez.rafaelp@epa.gov)
312-886-0269 or 800-621-8431, ext. 60269

Remedial Project Manager
Dion Novak (novak.dion@epa.gov)

On Scene Coordinator
Steve Renninger (renninger.steven@epa.gov)

Ohio EPA Public Involvement Coordinator
Susan Aman (susan.aman@epa.state.oh.us)

Ohio EPA Site Coordinator
Jyl Lapachin (jyl.lapachin@epa.state.oh.us)


(where to view written records)

Burkhardt Avenue Public Library
4680 Burkhardt Avenue
Dayton, OH 45431



The Valleycrest Landfill Site is roughly 100 acres, split into two sections by Valleycrest Drive. The eastern section is about 35 acres, and the western section about 65 acres. Formally listed at 950 Brandt Pike, the site is above the Great Miami Aquifer, which is the sole source of drinking water for the city of Dayton. (more...)

Site Updates || Pollution Reports || Public Meetings

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Site Updates

(January 2006) EPA completed all emergency and remedial responses at the site in 2004. Ohio EPA is currently completing the remedial investigation and feasibility study in order to phase into the final remedy at the site. Their final report is due summer 2006. Ohio EPA will have a public meeting to announce the results and the proposed final remedy plans and progress. For further information, contact Susan Aman at Ohio EPA, , 614-644-2160 .

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