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Little Scioto River

Site Information
  • Marion, OH (Marion County)
  • EPA ID# OHN000509950
  • CERCLIS listing
  • Alias(es): Baker Wood Creosoting
  • Photos
Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Susan Pastor (pastor.susan@epa.gov)
312-353-1325 or 800-621-8431, ext. 31325


(where to view written records)

Marion Public Library
445 E. Church St.
Marion, OH



Creosote contamination in the Little Scioto River was most likely caused by poor disposal practices at the former Baker Wood Creosoting facility located nearby.

After EPA cleaned up the Baker Wood property, workers drained and dredged a 1 1/4-mile stretch of river. The area was backfilled with clean soil. Contaminated sediment was removed and dried on a pad just east of the cleanup area. It was eventually shipped to Bucyrus, Ohio for proper disposal.

During the most recent phase, about ¾ mile of river was cleaned up. Work ended near the intersection of State Route 95 in November 2006. It was funded by EPA ($2 million) and Ohio EPA ($1 million). Additional funding to complete the cleanup along the river to State Route 739 was no longer available.

The project was originally started in 2002 and paid for by U.S. Coast Guard Oil Pollution Act funds. About ½ mile of North Rockswale Ditch and ½ mile of the river was dredged at that time. When that portion of the cleanup was complete, USCG and EPA agreed that Superfund money was a more appropriate way to pay for the rest of the cleanup.

Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) and Community Advisory Group (CAG) are two ways the community can get involved. Learn more about CAGs and TAGs

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Site Updates

April 2009

The Little Scioto River is being proposed as a federal Superfund site. A notice explaining this approach is in the Federal Register . EPA’s Washington D.C. office is also running a 60-day public comment period on the proposal.

Being placed on EPA’s National Priorities List will enable EPA to continue its investigation of the Little Scioto River through the Superfund process.

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