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Kerr-McGee Superfund Sites

Site Information: Kerr-McGee Kress Creek/West Branch DuPage River Site
Site Information: Kerr-McGee Sewage Treatment Plant Site
Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Janet Pope (pope.janet@epa.gov)
312-353-0628 or 800-621-8431, ext.30628

Remedial Project Manager
David Seely (seely.david@epa.gov)
312-886-7058 or 800-621-8431, ext. 67058

Timothy Fischer(fischer.timothy@epa.gov)
312- 886-5787 or 800-621-8431, ext. 65787

Office of Regional Counsel

Mary Fulghum, Attorney
312-886-4683 or 800-621-8431, ext. 64683


(where to view written records)

Warrenville Public Library
28W751 Stafford Place
Warrenville, IL
(NOTE: This location is a repository only for information related to the Kress Creek and Sewage Treatment Plant Sites)

West Chicago Public Library
118 W. Washington St.
West Chicago, IL
(Note: This location is a repository for information on all four Superfund sites.)

EPA Records Center
77 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL



There are four Kerr-McGee Superfund sites in the West Chicago, IL, area that were contaminated by radioactive thorium waste material. The waste was generated by a processing facility (now closed and owned by the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation) that operated in West Chicago between 1932 and 1973.

Sand-like waste materials known as mill tailings were stored at the facility. The mill tailings were available as free fill material from the 1930s through the 1950s and were used throughout the West Chicago area for landscaping projects and to fill low-lying areas. It was later determined that the radioactive material was potentially hazardous.

Wastes from the Kerr-McGee facility also entered Kress Creek through a storm sewer, contaminating sediments (river mud) in the creek and the West Branch DuPage River. (more...)

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Site Updates

March 2008: Ongoing cleanup of the Kress Creek Superfund site. Cleanup work will continue in the following sections or "reaches" of the West Branch DuPage River during the new construction season: Reach 5E (from River Oaks subdivision to Williams Road) Reach 6 (from Williams Road to Butterfield Road).

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