Alder Gold and Copper Mill
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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10 Superfund: Alder Gold and Copper Mill
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Alder Gold and Copper Mill

Site Location: approximately two miles south of Twisp, Washington. EPA's summer 2002 tests find that the elevated levels of arsenic in the area are naturally occurring, and not related to a source such as the Alder Gold and Copper Mill.
Technical Documents (Top) read about .pdf
Alder Mill on image - Exit EPA disclaimer
Removal Administrative Record Index
Integrated Assessment *** Draft *** - September 2002 Action Memorandum - September 6, 2002

Alder Mill/Ecology Sampling Data in Excel spreadsheet - Summer 2001
Sampling and Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) - May 15, 2002 Photos Courtesy of Washington Department of Ecology Draft Removal Assessment - Memorandum - March 8, 2002
      Table 1 - Groundwater Well Samples Analytical Results
      Table 2 - Groundwater Well Screened Samples Analytical Results Summary
      Table 3 - Alternatives for Uncontaminated Drinking Water
      Tables 4 through 8 - Cost Estimates and Comparison
Action Memorandum - January 16, 2002
General arsenic treatment information - June 2002

Fact Sheets and Presentations (Top)

image NewCleanup reduces exposure risks - June 2003
Bottled water to end October 30 - October 2002
EPA presentation regarding findings from integrated assessment - September12, 2002
WDOH presentation on home treatment systems for arsenic September12, 2002
Drinking Water Well Test Results to be Discussed at September 12 Meeting - August 2002
Agencies Consider Treating Tap Water - April 2002

News (Top)
EPA: Arsenic is not coming from mill - September 18, 2002, image - Exit EPA disclaimer
Methow Valley News - January 30, 2002 - Bottled water offered to Alder Mill neighbors
Press Release - January 28, 2002 - Alder Mill area residents to receive bottled water

Health Risks (Top)
Arsenic in Drinking Water - EPA
Arsenic in Drinking Water - Washington State Department of Health
More Arsenic Information - ATSDR

Points of Contact: (Top)
EPA Community Relations
Debra Sherbina (206)553-0247

Washington Department of Ecology
Rick Roeder (509) 454-7637

Okanagan Co. Health District
Dave Hilton (509) 422-7140

photo - "GapVax" truck backed up to dilapidated tin building. hoses and debris beside truck.
Decontamination vacuum truck
photo - photo - treed hillside behind dilapidated tin building and yellowing pond
Mill facility & tailings pond - November 2002
photo -  workers with respirators observe and water down rocks and sand being dumped on yellow pile.
VacTruck emptying into tailings pond - November 2002

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Point of contact: David Rees
Phone Number: (206) 553-1808
Last Updated: 05/19/2006