Fairchild Air Force Base (4 Waste Areas)
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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10 Superfund: Fairchild Air Force Base
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Fairchild Air Force Base (4 Waste Areas)

Site Summary

Fairchild Air Force Base, located 12 miles west of Spokane, Washington, occupies approximately 4,300 acres of land. The base was established by the Army in 1942 as an aircraft repair depot, a role that remained a component of its mission until 1953. In 1947, the base was transferred to the Air Force’s Strategic Air Command with a primary mission of supporting heavy bomber and associated air refueling aircraft. In 1994, Fairchild’s bomber mission ended, and the base was realigned to create the largest air refueling wing in the Air Force.

Community Updates
    None at this time

Record of Decision (ROD)

Technical Documents

Region 10 Concurrence Letter (PDF) (2 pp. 163K) - September 25, 2008
Second Five Year Review Fairchild Air Force Base (PDF) (234 pp. 3MB) - August 12, 2008

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Point of contact: Nancy Harney
E-Mail: harney.nancy@epamail.epa.gov
Phone Number: (206) 553-6635
Last Updated: 09/30/2008