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Grand Canyon National Park:

A 3D Geology Raft Trip Tour Down the Colorado River

Click here to start a tour of the inner Grand Canyon from the perspective of a raft trip down the Colorado River between Lees Ferry and Lake Mead. Click on any of the images to continue to the next page in the linked page series. Or, see a thumbnail gallery.

Click here to see tours of other national parks.

A large blue raft splashing through Hermit Rapid

3D glasses

This website contains images produced from stereo photo pairs that were manipulated into anaglyphs (3-D images). You will need red-and-cyan stereo viewing glasses to get the 3-D visual effects.

Click here to see the same images in standard photography.

Click here to learn more about Grand Canyon National Park (National Park Service website:

Click here to see historic 3D photography taken by the John Wesley Powell Survey of 1871-72.

Click here to learn about the USGS mapping expedition of 1923 through the Grand Canyon.

Click here to learn more about sedimentary rock formations exposed in the Grand Canyon.

Geologic maps of the Grand Canyon include:

Billingsley, George H., 2000, Geologic Map of the Grand Canyon 30' by 60' Quadrangle, Coconino and Mohave Counties, Northwestern Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigation Series I-2688, Available on-line at:,

Billingsley, George H. and Wellmeyer, Jessica L., 2004, Geologic Map of the Mount Trumbull 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Mohave and Coconin Counties, Northwestern Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigation Series I-2766, Available on-line at:,

Geologic ages in this website follow recommended information by Mathis, Allyson, and Bowman, Carl, 2005, What's in a number? Numeric ages for rocks exposed within the Grand Canyon, Part 2: Nature Notes (Grand Canyon National Park), v. 21, no. 2, p. 1-5.

Click here to see more 3-D geology tours of National Parks.

This website was prepared by Phil Stoffer and Paula Messina
USGS Western Earth Surface Processes Team, Menlo Park, California.

U.S. Department of the Interior - U.S. Geological Survey - Geology Discipline
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