USGS Visual Identifier

Publishers and Associated Series Names

This page lists ALL the publishers and their series names for the Map Catalog. When using the Map Catalog Input Form, no other publishers and their series names can be directly entered into the database.
  • However, the Input Form contains a mechanism to submit for authentication a new publisher and/or a new series names (please see the Input Form's "Publisher" pulldown menu, and select the "Not on List" entry). You also can submit new publishers and series names in Map Catalog records in a batch file.
  • When we receive your submittal, we will verify it and add the information to this listing. Then, that publisher and/or series name will be available on the Input Form.

Publisher Name Abbreviation [Series Name]
Abilene Geological Society ABGS [Field Trip Guidebook]
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ANSP [Field Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2nd series]
[Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia]
Academy of Science of St. Louis ASSL [Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis]
Alabama Academy of Science ALAS [Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science]
Alabama State Oil and Gas Board ALSOGB [Map]
[Special Map]
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys AKDGGS [Administrative Report]
[Alaska Geosurvey News]
[Alaska Open File Report]
[Annual Report]
[Biennial Report]
[Geochemical Report]
[Geologic Report]
[Geophysical Report]
[Information Circular]
[Laboratory Notes]
[Mines and Geology Bulletin]
[Miscellaneous Paper]
[Miscellaneous Publication]
[Preliminary Interpretive Report]
[Preliminary Investigative Report]
[Professional Report]
[Public Data File]
[Raw Data File]
[Report of Investigation]
[Special Report]
Alaska Division of Geological Survey (1970-72) AKDGS [Annual Report]
[Geochemical Report]
[Geologic Report]
[Laboratory Notes]
[Mines Bulletin]
[Miscellaneous Paper]
[Special Report]
Alaska Division of Mines and Geology (1966-70) AKDMG [Annual Report]
[Geochemical Report]
[Geologic Report]
[Information Circular]
[Laboratory Notes]
[Laboratory Report]
[Mines and Petroleum Bulletin]
[Miscellaneous Paper]
[Special Report]
Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals (1959-66) AKDMM [Annual Report]
[Geochemical Report]
[Geologic Report]
[Information Circular]
[Mines Bulletin]
[Mines and Petroleum Bulletin]
[Miscellaneous Paper]
[Prospect Evaluation]
[Special Report]
Alaska Territorial Department of Mines (1959) AKTDM [Annual Report]
[Information Circular]
[Itinerary Report]
[Mineral Investigation]
[Miscellaneous Report]
[Prospect Evaluation]
[TDM Bulletin]
American Association of Petroleum Geologists AAPG [Bulletin]
[Circum-Pacific Map Series]
[Studies in Geology]
[United States Geological Highway Map Series]
American Geophysical Union AGU [Field trip guidebook (International Geological Congress)]
[Geographical Review]
[Journal of Geophysical Research]
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers AIMME [Mining and Metallurgy]
Amuedo and Ivey Inc. AIINC [Open-File Map]
Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology AZBG [Bulletin]
[Geologic Investigations Maps]
[Geothermal Map]
[Miscellaneous Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Special Paper]
Arizona Bureau of Mines AZBM [Bulletin]
[Geologic Investigation Series]
[Metallogenic Map Series]
Arizona Department of Water Resources AZDWR [Hydrologic Map Series Report]
Arizona Geological Society AGS [Digest]
Arizona Geological Survey AZGS [Arizona Geology]
[Contributed Map]
[Contributed Report]
[Digital Geologic Map]
[Miscellaneous Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Special Paper]
Arizona Public Service APS [Preliminary Safety Analysis Report]
Arizona State University AZSU [Master's Thesis]
Arkansas Archeological Survey AAS [Research Series]
Arkansas Geological Commission ARGC [Bulletin]
[Digital Geologic Quadrangle Map]
[Geologic Map - AR-]
[Information Circular]
[Miscellaneous Publication]
[Open-File Map]
[Water Resources Circular]
[Water Resources Summary]
Arkansas Geological Survey ARGS [Digital Geologic Quadrangle Map]
Association of Engineering Geologists AEG [Bulletin]
[Guidebook to Field Trips]
Auburn University AUBU [Master's Thesis]
Battelle Memorial Institute, for U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation BMIDOE [Report (ONWI)]
Baylor University Department of Geology BAYLOR [Bachelor's Thesis]
[Baylor Geological Studies Bulletin]
[Master's Thesis]
Bowling Green State University BGSU [Master's Thesis]
Brigham Young University Department of Geology BYUDG [Brigham Young University Geology Studies]
[Brigham Young University Research Studies, Geology Series]
[Master's Thesis]
[Special Publication]
British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines BCMEM [None]
Brown University BROWNU [Master's Thesis]
Bryn Mawr College Department of Geology BMDG [Master's Thesis]
Bureau of Land Management USBLM [EMRIA Report]
California Division of Mines and Geology CDMG [Bulletin]
[California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series]
[California Geology]
[California Journal of Mines and Geology]
[County Report]
[Geologic Data Map]
[Map Sheet]
[Official Map of Seismic Hazard Zones]
[Open-File Report]
[Preliminary Report]
[Regional Geologic Map]
[Seismic Hazard Zone Report]
[Special Publication]
[Special Report]
California Geological Survey CAGS [Bulletin]
[California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series]
[California Geology]
[California Journal of Mines and Geology]
[County Report]
[Geologic Data Map]
[Landslide Inventory Map Series]
[Map Sheet]
[Official Map of Seismic Hazard Zones]
[Open-File Report]
[Preliminary Geologic Maps]
[Preliminary Report]
[Regional Geologic Map]
[Seismic Hazard Zone Report]
[Special Publication]
[Special Report]
California Institute of Technology CalTech [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
California State University, Chico CSUC [Master's Thesis]
California State University, East Bay CSEB [Master's Thesis]
California State University, Fresno CSUF [Master's Thesis]
California State University, Humboldt CSUH [Bachelor's Thesis]
California State University, Long Beach CSULB [Master's Thesis]
Canadian Hydrographic Service, Department of Fisheries and Oceans CANHS [None]
Canyonlands Natural History Association CNHA [None]
Central Savannah River Area Regional Development Center CSRA [None]
Colorado Division of Water Resources CODWR [Water Resources Investigations]
Colorado Geological Survey COGS [Bulletin]
[Environmental Geology]
[Information Series]
[Map Series]
[Miscellaneous Information]
[Open-File Report]
[Resource Series]
[Special Publication]
Colorado Mineral Resources Board COMRB [None]
Colorado School of Mines COSM [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[Professional Contribution of Colorado School of Mines]
Colorado Scientific Society COSS [Proceedings]
Colorado State Planning Commission CSPC [None]
Colorado State University COSU [Master's Thesis]
Columbia University COLU [Contributions]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Columbia University School of Mines CUSOM [School of Mines Quarterly]
Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development VADCED [None]
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation CTCR [None]
Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey CTGNHS [Bulletin]
[Connecticut Natural Resources Atlas Series]
[Quadrangle Report]
[Report of Investigations]
Cornell University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences CUDEAS [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Dallas Geological Society DGS [None]
Delaware Geological Survey DEGS [Digital Data Product]
[Geologic Map Series]
[Hydrologic Map Series]
[Miscellaneous Map Series]
[Open File Report]
[Special Publication]
Desert Research Institute NVDRI [Report]
Dibblee Geological Foundation DGF [Dibblee Foundation Map]
E. Barksdale of Mississippi EBM [None]
Eastern Washington University EWU [Master's Thesis]
Elsevier Science ELSEVIER [Earth and Planetary Science Letters]
[Engineering Geology]
[Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta]
[Journal of Geochemical Exploration]
[Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research]
[Sedimentary Geology]
Emory University EMORYU [Master's Thesis]
Environment Canada ENVCAN [None]
Environmental Protection Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources GADNR [Bulletin]
[Geologic Atlas]
[Geologic Guide]
[Geologic Report]
[Hydrologic Atlas]
[Information Circular]
[Open File Report]
[Project Report]
[Regional Map]
Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc. FCOPG [Guidebook]
Florida Geological Survey FLGS [Map Series]
[Open File Map Series]
[Open File Report]
Florida State University FLSU [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Fort Hays State University Department of Geosciences FHSUDGS [Master's Thesis]
Four Corners Geological Society FCGS [Field Conference Guidebook]
GTR Mapping GTRM
Geodata International, Inc. GDII [prepared for the NURE program & USDOE]
Geological Society of America GSA [Bulletin]
[Centennial Field Guide]
[Continent Ocean Transect]
[Continent-Scale Map]
[Field Trip Guidebook]
[Geology of North America]
[Guidebook for field trips, Rocky Mountain Section]
[Map and Chart Series]
[Rocky Mountain Section, Annual Meeting]
[Special Paper]
Geological Society of Iowa GSIA [Guidebook]
Geological Society of Nevada GSNV [Field Trip Guidebook]
[Special Publication]
Geological Society of Sacramento GSS [Annual Field Trip Guidebook]
Geological Survey Department, Jamaica JGSD [None]
Geological Survey of Alabama GSAL [Atlas Series]
[Biennial Report]
[County Report]
[Information Series]
[Quadrangle Series]
[Special Map]
[Special Report]
Geological Survey of Canada GSCAN [Geophysical Series Map]
[Open File]
Geological Survey of Michigan GSMI [None]
Georgia Division of Mines, Mining, and Geology GADMMG [None]
[Project Report]
Georgia, Coosa Valley Area Planning & Development Commission GACVRDC [None]
Global Tectonics and Metallogeny GTM [None]
Grand Canyon Association GCA [Monograph]
Grand Valley State University GVSU [EDMAP]
Great Plains Historical Association GPHA [Great Plains Journal]
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies GCAGS [Annual Meeting Guidebook]
Harvard College Museum of Comparative Zoology HARVMCZ [Bulletin]
Harvard University, Dept of Earth & Planetary Sciences HARVEPS [Ph.D. Dissertation]
Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management HICWRM [Water Resources Bulletin]
Hawaii Division of Water and Land Development HIDWLD [Circular]
[Map Series]
[Special Report]
Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology HIGP [Data Report]
[Special Map]
Hawaii Water Authority HIWA [Bulletin]
Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology IDBMG [Bulletin]
[County Report]
Idaho Geological Survey IDGS [Bulletin]
[Digital Geologic Map]
[Digital Web Map]
[Geologic Map]
[Information Circular]
[Mineral Resource Report]
[Staff Report]
[Surficial Geologic Map]
[Technical Report]
Idaho State University IDSU [Master's Thesis]
Illinois Basin Consortium ILBC [Illinois Basin Consortium Cross Sections]
Illinois Oil and Gas Association ILOGA [None]
Illinois State Geological Survey ILGS [Bulletin]
[Coal Data Map]
[Environmental Geology Notes]
[Illinois Coal Mines County Series]
[Illinois Coal Mines Quadrangle Series]
[Illinois County Geologic Map]
[Illinois Geologic Quadrangle Map]
[Illinois Map]
[Illinois Petroleum]
[Illinois Preliminary Geologic Map]
[Illinois State Geological Survey Coal Section]
[Oil and Gas Development Map]
[Open File Series]
[Report of Investigations]
Illinois State Geological Survey - Out of Print ILGSOOP [Educational Series]
Indiana Department of Conservation INDC [None]
Indiana Department of Natural Resources INDNR [Aquifer Systems Map]
[Miscellaneous Map]
[Water Resource Assessment]
Indiana Geological Survey INDGS [Atlas of Mineral Resources of Indiana]
[Coal Map]
[Eastern Gas Shales Project]
[Illinois Basin Consortium]
[Mineral Economic Series]
[Miscellaneous Map]
[Occasional Paper]
[Open-File Study]
[Other Map]
[Petroleum Exploration Map]
[Petroleum Well Location Map]
[Preliminary Coal Map]
[Regional Geologic Map]
[Report of Progress]
[Special Report]
[State Base Map]
[State Park Guide]
Indiana University, Department of Geological Sciences INUDGS [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[Regional Geologic Map]
Institute of Food And Agricultural Sciences Service, University of Florida UFIF [None]
Intergovernmental Resource Center, Clark County, Washington IRCCCWA [None]
Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists IAPG [Guidebook for the Annual Field Conference]
[Guidebook to the Geology of Utah]
IntraSearch, Inc IntraSearch [prepared for the NURE program & USDOE]
Iowa Geological Survey IAGS [Annual Report]
[Educational Materials]
[Educational Series]
[Guidebook Series]
[Iowa Geology]
[Miscellaneous Map Series]
[Miscellaneous Publication]
[Open-File County Groundwater Resources Report]
[Open-File Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Public Information Circular]
[Report of Investigations]
[Resource Information Fact Sheet]
[Special Report]
[Technical Information Series]
[Technical Paper]
[Water Atlas]
[Water Fact Sheet]
[Water Supply Bulletin]
Iowa State University IASU [Master's Thesis]
Iowa State University, Geological & Atmospheric Sciences IASUGAS [Master's Thesis]
John C. Hodges Library, The University of Tennessee UTENN [Master's Thesis]
John Wiley and Sons Publishers JWS [None]
Johns Hopkins University JHU [Circular]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Joint Transportation Research Program, Purdue University/Indiana Department of Transportation JTRP [None]
Judah Dabson, Philadelphia JD
Kansas Academy of Science KSAS [Transactions]
Kansas Geological Society KGSOC [Guidebook for the Annual Field Conference]
Kansas Geological Survey KSGS [Bulletin]
[Geologic Quadrangle Map]
[Ground Water Series]
[Map Series]
Kansas State University Department of Geology KSSU [Master's Thesis]
Kent State University Department of Geology KENTSUDGL [Master's Thesis]
Kentucky Department of Commerce KYDC [None]
Kentucky Geological Survey KYGS [Chemical Analysis Report]
[Cooperative Report]
[Digitally Vectorized Geological Quadrangle]
[Early KGS Volume]
[Geologic Map Series]
[KGS Bulletin]
[KGS County Report]
[KGS Historical Oil and Gas Map]
[KGS Information Circular]
[KGS Report of Investigation]
[Map and Chart Series]
[Miscellaneous Map]
[Miscellaneous Report]
[Oil and Gas Investigations]
[Open File Report]
[Pre-1900 Non-Geologic KGS Report]
[Pre-1920 Geologic KGS Report]
[Special Publication]
[USGS Water Resources Investigation]
Lincoln-DeVore Engineers and Geologists LDEG [Open-File Map]
Loma Linda University LLU [Master's Thesis]
Los Alamos National Laboratory LANL [Report LA]
Louisiana Geological Survey LAGS [Folio]
[Geologic Map]
[Geologic Quadrangle Map (1:100,000)]
[Geologic Quadrangle Map (1:24,000)]
[Geological Bulletin]
[Geological Pamphlet]
[Mineral Resources Bulletin]
[Mineral Resources Map]
[Open-File Map (1:100,000)]
[Open-File Map (1:24,000)]
[Parish Geologic Map]
[Public Information Series]
[Report of Investigations]
[Water Resources Bulletin]
[Water Resources Map]
[Water Resources Series]
Mackay School of Mines NVMSM [Curtiss-Wright Project Number]
[Master's Thesis]
Maine Geological Survey MEGS [Bulletin]
[Geologic Map Series]
[Open-File Map]
[Open-File Report]
Martel Laboratories, Inc. MARLAB [prepared for the NURE program & USDOE]
Maryland Geological Survey MDGS [Chesapeake Bay Earth Science Atlas]
[County Atlas]
[County Geologic Maps]
[County Geologic Maps; Bulletins]
[County Geologic Maps; County Atlases]
[County Geologic Maps; County Reports]
[County Mineral Resource Maps]
[County Mineral Resource Maps; County Atlases]
[Lands for Potential Mineral Resource Development]
[Maps of historical shorelines and erosion rates]
[Mineral Resources Quadrangle Map]
[Open-File Coal Maps]
[Quadrangle Atlas]
[Quadrangle Geologic Map]
[Report of Investigations]
[Shoreline Changes Map]
[Slope maps]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Medical Association of the State of Alabama MASAL [Transactions of the annual session]
Memorial University of Newfoundland MUNF [Map]
Memphis State University MEMSU [Master's Thesis]
Miami Geological Society MFLGS [Miami Geological Society Memoir]
[Transactions of the 12th Caribbean Geological Conference]
Miami University, Ohio MUOH [Master's Thesis]
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters MIACAD [Michigan Academian]
[Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters]
Michigan Department of Conservation MIDC [None]
Michigan Department of Conservation, Field Administration Division MDCFAD [Michigan Geological Map]
Michigan Department of Conservation, Geological Survey Division MDCGSD [Michigan Geological Map]
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geological Survey MDEQ
Michigan Department of Natural Resources MIDNR [Geological Publication]
Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Division MIDNRGSD [Geological Publication]
[Michigan County Geologic Map]
[Michigan Geological Map]
[Open File Map]
Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Geology Division MGD [Michigan County Geologic Map]
Michigan Geolgical Survey Division MIGSD [Open File Map]
Michigan Geological Survey MGS [Geological Publication]
[Michigan Geological Map]
[Report of Investigation]
Mineral Resources Development, Inc. MRDI [prepared for the NURE program & USDOE]
Mineralogical Society of America MSA [American Mineralogist]
Mines and Minerals (Scranton, PA) MINES [Mines and Minerals]
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters MNDNRDW [Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment Series]
Minnesota Geological Survey MNGS [Aeromagnetic Map Series]
[Annual Report]
[County Atlas Series]
[Educational Series]
[Final Report]
[Geologic Map Index]
[Geologic Map Series]
[Geologic Map of Minnesota]
[Geology of Minnesota - The Final Report]
[Geology of Minnesota: A Centennial Volume]
[Guidebook Series]
[Information Circular]
[Minnesota at a Glance]
[Miscellaneous Map Series]
[Open-File Report]
[Regional Hydrogeologic Assessments]
[Report of Investigation]
[Reprint Series]
[Special Publication Series]
[State Map Series]
[Summary Report]
Mississippi Academy of Sciences MAS [Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences]
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geology MSOG [Bulletin]
[Cross Sections]
[Environmental Geology]
[Information Series]
[Maps and Charts]
[Mississippi Geology]
[Open-File Report]
[Reports of Investigations]
Mississippi Mineral Resources Institute MMRI [Report of Investigations]
Mississippi State Geological Survey MSGS [Bulletin]
Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey MODGLS [Contributions to Precambrian Geology]
[Engineering Geology Series]
[Missouri State Geologic Maps]
[Open-File Map]
[Preliminary Map]
[Report of Investigations]
[Volume, 2nd Series]
[Wall Map]
Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey MODG
Missouri Geological Survey MOGS [Contribution to Precambrian Geology]
Missouri Geological Survey and Resource Assessment Division MOGSRAD [Contributions to Precambrian Geology]
[Engineering Geology Series]
[Open File Map]
[Open File Report]
[Report of Investigations]
Mobile Register Print MRPRT [None]
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology MBMG [Bulletin]
[Geologic Map]
[Hydrogeologic Map]
[Miscellaneous Contributions]
[Montana Atlas]
[Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas]
[Open-File Reports]
[Report of Investigation]
[Special Publication]
Montclair State University MSUNJ [Master's Thesis]
Mountain Press Publishing Company MPPC [Geology Underfoot]
[Roadside Geology]
Museum of Northern Arizona MNA [Bulletin]
National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council NASNRC [Publication]
National Geophysical Data Center NGDC [Map Series]
National Geophysical Data Center - NOAA NGDCNOAA [None]
National Well Water Association NWWA [None]
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology NVBMG [Bulletin]
[Field Studies Map]
[Open File Report]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[Urban Map]
Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources NVDCNR [Ground-Water Resources - Reconnaissance Series Report]
[Water Resources - Reconnaissance Series Report]
Nevada Division of Water Resources NVDWR [Report]
[Water Resources Bulletin]
Nevada Petroleum Society NVPS [Fieldtrip Guidebook]
New Hampshire Academy of Science NHACDS [Handbook]
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services NHDES [Map]
[Open-File Reports]
New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development NHDRED [Bulletin]
New Hampshire State Planning and Development Commission NHSPDC [Geologic Maps]
[Mineral Resource Survey]
New Jersey Geological Survey NJGS [CD Series]
[Digital Geodata Series]
[Geologic Map Series]
[Open-file Map]
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources NMBGMR [Bulletin]
[Geologic Map]
[Open-File Geologic Map]
[Open-File Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Resource map]
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources NMBMMR [Bulletin]
[Geologic Map]
[Ground-water Report]
[Hydrogeologic Sheet]
[Hydrologic Report]
[Open-File Geologic Map]
[Open-File Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Resource map]
[Scenic Trip]
New Mexico Geological Society NMGS [Field Conference Guidebook]
[Special Publication]
New Mexico State University Dept of Geological Sciences NMSUGS [Master's Thesis]
New Mexico Tech NMTECH [Master's Thesis]
New York Academy of Sciences NYAS [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences]
[Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands]
[Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2nd series]
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NYSDEC [None]
New York State Geological Survey NYSGS [Bulletin]
[Educational Leaflet]
[METC/EGSP Series]
[Map and Chart Series]
[Open File Map]
[Open File Report]
[Special Publication]
New York State Museum NYSM [Bulletin]
[Map and Chart Series]
[State Museum Annual Report]
New York, Oswego County Planning Board NYOSWEGO [Open-File Map]
North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development NCDNRCD [None]
North Carolina Department of Transportation, Geotechnical Engineering Unit NCDOT [None]
North Carolina Division of Mineral Resources NCDMR [None]
North Carolina Geological Survey NCGS [Bulletin]
[Economic Paper]
[Educational Series]
[Field Trip Guidebook]
[General Geologic Map]
[Geologic Map - 7.5-minute quadrangle maps and mineral resource summary]
[Geologic Map Series]
[Geologic Notes]
[Information Circular]
[Miscellaneous Publication]
[Open-File Report]
[Regional Geology Series (discontinued)]
[Special Publication]
[Special Report]
[Volume (discontinued)]
North Dakota Geological Survey NDGS [100K Series]
[24K Series]
[Atlas Series]
[Biennial Report]
[Educational Series]
[Field Study]
[Geologic Investigation]
[Mineral Resource Map]
[Miscellaneous Map]
[Miscellaneous Series]
[Open-File Report]
[Report of Investigation]
[Special Publication]
North Dakota State Water Commission NDSWC [Ground-Water Studies]
Northeast Louisiana University NELAU [Master's Thesis]
Northern Arizona University NAU [Master's Thesis]
Northern Illinois University Dept of Geology & Environmental Geosciences NIUGEG [Master's Thesis]
Northwest Scientific Association NWSA [Northwest Science]
Northwestern University NWU [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[Report of Investigations]
[Summary of Doctoral Dissertations]
Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation ONWI [Technical Report]
Office of the Massachusetts State Geologist MASG [Digital Conversion]
[Geologic Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Well Inventory]
Ohio Division of Geological Survey OHGS [Bulletin]
[Digital Chart and Map Series]
[Digital Map Series]
[Educational Leaflet]
[Geological Note]
[Information Circular]
[Open-File Map]
[Report of Investigations]
Ohio Division of Shore Erosion (Ohio Division of Geological Survey) OHDSE [Technical Report]
Ohio Geological Society OHGSoc [None]
Ohio State University OHSU [Abstracts of Dissertations [monographic]]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[Proceedings of Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium]
Ohio University OHIOU [Master's Thesis]
Oklahoma Geological Survey OKGS [Bulletin]
[Educational Publication]
[Geologic Map]
[Hydrologic Atlas]
[Oklahoma Geologic Quadrangle]
[Oklahoma Geology Notes]
[Open-File Report]
[Special Publication]
[The Hopper]
Oklahoma State University OKSU [Bachelor's Thesis]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[Research Bulletin]
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries ORDGMI [Bulletin]
[Digital Data Series]
[Geological Map Series]
[Interpretive Map Series]
[Oil and Gas Investigations]
[Open-File Report]
[Quadrangle Map]
[Special Paper]
Oregon State University ORST [Master's Thesis]
Orleans University, Department of Earth Sciences (France) UORLEANSDES [Ph.D. Dissertation]
Oxford University Press OXFORD [Journal of Petrology]
Paleontological Research Institution PALEORI [Bulletins of American Paleontology]
Pennsylvania First Geological Survey (1836-1842) PAGS1 [Map]
Pennsylvania Geological Survey PAGS [Atlas]
[County Report]
[Environmental Geology Report]
[General Geology Report]
[Information Circular]
[Mineral Resource Report]
[Open-File Report]
[Progress Report]
[Special Bulletin]
[Water Resource Report]
Pennsylvania Second Geological Survey (1874-1889) PAGS2 [Annual Report]
[Final Report]
Pennsylvania State University PASU [Contributions]
[Master's Thesis]
[Mineral Industries Experiment Station Bulletin]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Pennsylvania Third Geological Survey (1899-1914) PAGS3 [Annual Report]
Petroleum Publishing Company PETPC [None]
[Oil and Gas Journal]
Petroleum Research Corporation PRC [None]
Portland State University Department of Geology PSUDG [None]
Primedia Business Magazines & Media PBMM [Engineering and Mining Journal]
Princeton University PRCTN [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Puerto Rico Department of Public Works PRDPW [Geologic Investigations Bulletin]
Puerto Rico Division of Mineralogy and Geology PRDMG [Bulletin]
Puget Sound Power and Light Company PSPLC [None]
Purdue University PURDUE [Ph.D. Dissertation]
Purdue University Office of Agricultural Research Programs PUOARP [None]
Rhode Island Geological Survey RIGS [Rhode Island Map Series]
Rice University RICEU [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Rockwell International, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Energy System Group RIRHO [RHO-BW]
Royal Bank of Canada, Oil and Gas Department RBCAN [None]
Salt Lake City SLCUT [Map]
San Diego State University SDCASU [Master's Thesis]
San Jose State University SJSU [Master's Thesis]
San Luis Obispo County SLOC
Scripps Institution of Oceanography SIOUCSD [Ph.D. Dissertation]
Shannon & Wilson, Inc SAWI [None]
Sigma Gamma Epsilon CSGE [The Compass of Sigma Gamma Epsilon]
Society of Economic Geologists SEG [Bulletin]
[Economic Geology]
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists SEPM [Monograph]
Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEGP [None]
South Carolina Geological Survey SCGS [General Geologic Map Series]
[Geologic Quadrangle Map]
[Map Series]
[Open-File Report]
[South Carolina Geology]
South Coast Geological Society, Inc. SCGSI [Geologic map]
South Dakota Academy of Science SDAS [Proceedings]
South Dakota Geological Survey SDGS [Aquifer Materials Map]
[Educational Series]
[Geologic Quadrangle Map]
[Information Pamphlet]
[Mineral Resources Investigation]
[Miscellaneous Investigations]
[Oil and Gas Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Report of Investigations]
[South Dakota Map-General]
[Special Report]
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Geology and Geologic Engineering Department SDSMTGGED [Master's Thesis]
Southern California Academy of Sciences SCAAS [Bulletin]
Southern Methodist University Department of Geological Sciences SMUDGS [Master's Thesis]
Southern Pacific Railroad SPRR [Mineral Survey]
Springer-Verlag New York SVNY [Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology]
Stanford University STFU [Abstracts of Dissertations]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[Stanford Geological Survey Map]
[Stanford University Publications, Geological Sciences]
[Student report]
[Thesis (M.A.) - Dept. of Geology, Stanford University]
[Thesis (M.S.) - Dept. of Geol. & Env. Sci., Stanford Univ.]
[Thesis (M.S.) - Dept. of Geology, Stanford University]
[Thesis (Ph.D.) - Dept. of Geol. & Envi. Sci., Stanford Univ.]
[Thesis (Ph.D.) - Dept. of Geology, Stanford University]
[Thesis (Ph.D.) - School of Mineral Sciences, Stanford Univ.]
State Geological Survey of Kansas SGSKS [None]
State of Mississippi Board of Water Commissioners SMBWC [Bulletin]
State of New Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic Development NJDCED [None]
T.A. Conrad TACON [None]
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department TPCHD [None]
Tennessee Division of Geology TNDG [Geologic Quadrangle Map]
[State Geologic Map]
Terrascan Group Ltd., Lakewood, CO TSGL
Texas A&M University TAMU [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Texas Christian University TXCU [Master's Thesis]
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TXCEQ [Geologic Atlas]
Texas Tech University TXTU [Master's Thesis]
The Johns Hopkins University Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering JHUDGEE [Ph.D. Dissertation]
The Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists RMAG [Guidebook]
[The Mountain Geologist]
Tulane University TULANE [Master's Thesis]
[Studies in Geology and Paleontology]
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACE [None]
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission USAEC [Preliminary Map]
[Vela Uniform Program, Project Shoal]
U.S. Bureau of Mines USBM [Information Circular]
[Mineral Land Assessment Open-File Report]
[Report of Investigations]
[Technical Paper]
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation USBR [Boulder Canyon Project, Final Report pt. 3]
[Geomatrix Consultants, Inc.]
[Seismotectonic Report]
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils USDABCS [Soil Survey]
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering USDABPISAE [Soil Survey]
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils USDABS [none]
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service USFS [None]
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service USDANRCS [None]
[Soil Maps]
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service USDASCS [Soil Survey]
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service NTIS [None]
U.S. Department of Energy USDOE [prepared for the NURE program & USDOE]
U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Office USDOEGJ [GJBX]
U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center USDOEMETC [METC]
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Indiana Division USDOTFHWAIN [None]
U.S. Geological Survey USGS [Basic Data Contribution]
[Basic Data Reports]
[Circum-Pacific Map]
[Coal Investigations Map]
[Data Series]
[Digital Data Series]
[Fact Sheet]
[General Information Product]
[General Interest Publication]
[Geologic Atlas of the United States Folio]
[Geologic Investigations Series Map]
[Geologic Quadrangle Map]
[Geological Investigations Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4]
[Geophysical Investigations Map]
[Geophysical Investigations Preliminary Map]
[Hydrologic Investigations Atlas]
[Hydrologic Unit Map]
[Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey]
[Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map]
[Mineral Investigations Resources Map]
[Miscellaneous Field Studies Map]
[Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map]
[Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map]
[Missouri Basin Studies]
[National Atlas of the United States of America]
[Oil and Gas Investigations Chart]
[Oil and Gas Investigations Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Preliminary Coal Map]
[Professional Paper]
[Scientific Investigations Map]
[Scientific Investigations Report]
[Technical Report]
[Water Resources Bulletin]
[Water-Resources Investigations Report]
[Water-Supply Paper]
U.S. Geological Survey Publications Warehouse USGSPW
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration USNOAA [None]
University of Alabama UNAL [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Alaska, Fairbanks UNAKF [Master's Thesis]
University of Arizona UAZ [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences UAZDG [None]
University of Arkansas UNAR [Master's Thesis]
University of California UNCA [Bulletin of the Department of Geology]
[University of California Publications in Geological Sciences]
University of California, Davis UCDAVIS [Master's Thesis]
University of California, Los Angeles UCLA [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of California, Riverside UCR [Campus Museum Contributions]
[Master's Thesis]
University of California, Santa Barbara UCSB [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Chicago Press UCHPR [Journal of Geology]
University of Chicago, Dept of Geophysical Sciences UNCHGS [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Colorado, Boulder UCOB [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Florida Department of Geological Sciences UFLDGS [Master's Thesis]
University of Georgia, Athens UNGAA [Map]
University of Hawaii, Water Resources Research Center UHIWRRC [Seminar Series]
[Technical Report]
University of Idaho UIDAHO [Master's Thesis]
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign UIUC [Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Iowa UIOWA [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Kansas Department of Geology UNKSDG [Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of London ULONUK [Bachelor's Thesis]
University of Massachusetts Department of Geosciences UMASS [Contribution]
University of Michigan, Dept of Geological Sciences UMICHGS [Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Minnesota Duluth Department of Geological Science UMNDDGS [Master's Thesis]
University of Mississippi UMS [Masters of Science thesis]
University of Missouri, Columbia UNMOC [Master's Thesis]
University of Missouri, Rolla UMR [Master's Thesis]
University of Nebraska Conservation and Survey Division NBCSD [Configuration Map]
[Deep Well Map]
[Educational Circular]
[Field Guide]
[General Information Map]
[General Information Products]
[Geologic Maps and Charts]
[Geologic Resource Map]
[Geophysical Map]
[Groundwater Maps]
[Land Use Map]
[Miscellaneous Publication]
[Nebraska Geological Survey Bulletin]
[Nebraska Geological Survey Paper]
[Nebraska Geological Survey Report of Investigations]
[Nebraska Water Survey Paper]
[Resource Atlas]
[Resource Report]
[Soil Map]
[Water Supply Paper]
[Water Survey Maps]
University of Nebraska, Lincoln UNEL [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Nevada Las Vegas UNLV [Master's Thesis]
University of Nevada, Reno UNRENO [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of New Mexico UNMEX [Bulletin Geologic Series]
[Master's Thesis]
[Publications in Geology]
University of New Orleans UNO [Master's Thesis]
University of North Carolina - Sierra Nevada Batholith Map Mosaic Project SNBMMP
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill UNC [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Oklahoma UOK [Bachelor's Thesis]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science]
University of Oregon UOREGON [Commonwealth Review]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Puerto Rico UNPR [Caribbean Journal of Science]
University of South Carolina UNSC [Master's Thesis]
University of Southern California - Los Angeles, Dept of Earth Sciences USCES [Master's Thesis]
University of Southern Mississippi USOMS [Master's Thesis]
University of Tennessee Knoxville UTNKNX [EDMAP unpublished map]
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology TXBEG [Down to Earth]
[Environmental Geologic Atlas of the Texas Coastal Zone]
[Geologic Atlas of Texas]
[Geologic Quadrangle Map]
[Geological Circular]
[Mineral Resource Circular]
[Mineral Resource Survey Circular]
[Miscellaneous Map]
[Open-File Map]
[Report of Investigations]
[Research Note]
[River Basins Regional Studies]
[STATEMAP Project Geologic Maps]
University of Texas, Austin UTEXAS [Bulletin]
[Bulletin of the University of Texas]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Texas, El Paso UTEP [Master's Thesis]
University of Toledo TOLEDO [Master's Thesis]
University of Tulsa UTULSA [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Utah UUTAH [DOE/ET]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Utah Research Institute, Earth Science Laboratory Research Institute UUESLRI [DOE/ID/12079-8]
University of Virginia UVA [Master's Thesis]
University of Washington UWASH [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
[University of Washington Publications in Geology]
University of Wisconsin UNWI [Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Wisconsin, Madison UWISC [Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee UWMIL [Master's Thesis]
University of Wyoming UWY [Contributions to Geology]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Utah Department of Highways UTDOT [None]
Utah Department of Natural Resources and Energy UTDNR [Technical Publication]
Utah Geological Association UTGA [Guidebook to the Geology of Utah]
[Symposium and Field Guide]
[Utah Geological Association Publication]
Utah Geological Survey UTGS [Contract Report]
[Miscellaneous Publication]
[Open-File Report]
[Special Study]
Utah Geological and Mineral Survey UGMS [Bulletin]
[Contract Report]
[Open-File Report]
[Report of Investigation]
[Special Study]
[Utah Geology]
Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey UTGMS [Bulletin]
[Guidebook to the Geology of Utah]
[Open-File Report]
[Report to the Utah State Land Board]
[Special Study]
Utah State Engineer UTSE [Biennial Report]
[Technical Publication]
Utah State University Department of Geology UTSUDG [Master's Thesis]
Vermont Department of Water Resources VTDWR [Economic Geology]
[Geology of State Parks]
[Studies in Vermont Geology]
Vermont Geological Survey VTGS [Bulletin]
[Geology of State Parks]
[Miscellaneous Map]
[Open-File Report]
[Special Bulletin]
Virginia Division of Mineral Resources VDMR [Open File Report]
[Report of Investigations]
Washington Department of Conservation and Development WADCD [None]
Washington Department of Ecology WAECY [Geohydrologic Monograph]
[Technical Report]
[WRIS Technical Bulletin]
[Water-Supply Bulletin]
Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources WADGER [Bulletin]
[Geologic Map]
[Geophysical Map]
[Information Circular]
[Open File Report]
[Report of Investigations]
[Resource Map]
[Washington Geology]
[unpublished Map]
Washington Division of Mines and Geology WADMG [Bulletin]
[Geologic Map]
[Information Circular]
[Report of Investigations]
Washington Division of Water Resources WADWR [Monograph]
[Water-Supply Bulletin]
Washington Geological Survey WAGS [Bulletin]
Washington State University WASU [Master's Thesis]
West Virginia Geological Survey WVGS [County Geologic Report]
[Open-File Reports]
West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey WVGES [Basic Data Reports]
[Coal Geology Bulletin]
[Computer Data Series]
[Environmental Geology Bulletin]
[Geologic Quadrangle Maps of West Virginia]
[Mineral Resources Series]
[Open File Report]
[Report of Archeological Investigations]
[Report of Investigations]
[River Basin Bulletin]
[State Park Bulletin]
Western Michigan University Department of Geology WMUDG [None]
Wichita State University WSU [Master's Thesis]
Willard Owens Associates, Inc. WOAI [Environmental Geology]
[prepared for the NURE program & USDOE]
Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey WIGNHS [Bulletin]
[County Map Series]
[Educational Series]
[Field Trip Guide Book]
[Geology of Wisconsin; Survey of 1873-1879]
[Information Circular]
[Land Resource Analysis Program]
[Miscellaneous Map Series]
[Miscellaneous Paper]
[Regional Map Series]
[Special Report]
[State Map]
[Wisconsin Open-File Report]
Wright State University WRIGHT [Master's Thesis]
Wyoming Geological Association WYGA [Earth Science Bulletin]
[Special Symposium]
Wyoming State Geological Survey WYSGS [Bulletin]
[Coalbed Methane Map]
[County Resource Series]
[Educational Series]
[Geologic Hazards Section Digital Map]
[J. David Love Map Series]
[Map Series]
[Mineral Report]
[Open File Report]
[Preliminary Geologic Map]
[Preliminary Report]
[Public Information Circular]
[Report of Investigations]
Yale University YALE [American Journal of Science]
[Master's Thesis]
[Ph.D. Dissertation]
Zion Natural History Association ZNHA [None]

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Database project personnel
Last modified: Mon Nov 10 04:11:10 2008