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Report Development

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The 2008 ROE was developed by EPA’s Office of Research and Development, working in collaboration with EPA’s program and Regional offices as well as external partners. This appendix describes the key elements of the 2008 ROE development process.

Laying the Foundation

EPA published its Draft Report on the Environment in June 2003 and invited feedback. The Agency received comments from several sources:

In January 2004, the EPA Administrator requested that work begin to develop the next version of the ROE. Exhibit B-1 shows the organizational structure for development of EPA’s 2008 ROE.4 A standing ROE Work Group took the lead in all phases of development. The group included five theme leads, each responsible for development of a particular chapter of the 2008 ROE, plus representatives of EPA Regions and other relevant EPA offices. During the development process, the theme leads coordinated with other federal agencies and organizations involved in indicator development or data collection. An Environmental Indicators Steering Committee, composed of senior managers from across the Agency, oversaw development of the ROE. The Steering Committee reviewed Work Group activities and draft products.

The ROE is based on three components:

The first step in developing the 2008 ROE was to review and refine the 2003 Draft ROE version of these components:

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Indicator Development

Once the questions, definition, and criteria were refined, the next step was to identify and develop indicators to answer the questions.

The 2008 ROE development team worked with staff at other departments, agencies, and private organizations that originally developed indicators or provided indicator data to ensure that indicator graphics, data, and quality assurance information were up to date and accurate. Indicators were reviewed by the Environmental Indicators Steering Committee.

Box B-1. Questions Addressed in the 2008 ROE Metadata Forms

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Indicator Peer Review and Public Comment

Once the full suite of proposed indicators was assembled, all indicators were independently peer-reviewed by nationally recognized experts to ensure that they were scientifically sound and properly documented, met the indicator definition and criteria, and were useful for answering the questions posed in the ROE. Two rounds of review were conducted:

The peer review, organized by a contractor, was conducted following the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB’s) specifications for peer review of “Highly Influential Scientific Assessments” as specified in OMB’s “Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review.”5 The reviewer selection criteria, list of reviewers, charge to reviewers, and reviewer comments can be found in the peer review summary report.6 EPA announced the peer reviews in the Federal Register and also posted the proposed indicators on a Web site for public comment. Key questions addressed during the review are listed in Box B-2. After the peer review and public comment period, EPA revised and finalized the indicators. EPA’s responses to reviewer and public comments are available at EPA’s ROE Web site: http://www.epa.gov/roe.

Box B-2. Charge Questions for Peer Review of the Proposed 2008 ROE Indicators

a This part of the charge varied according to theme area as follows:

  • Air: “our nation’s air and therefore useful for contributing to an overall picture of our nation’s air”
  • Water: “our nation’s waters and for contributing to an overall picture of our nation’s waters”
  • Chemicals on land: “trends in chemicals used on land and their effects on human health and the environment”
  • Land wastes: “trends in wastes and their effects on human health and the environment”
  • Human health: “human health and for contributing to an overall picture of human health”
  • Ecological condition: “ecological conditions and therefore useful for contributing to an overall picture of ecological conditions”

ROE Review

Concurrent with indicator development, EPA’s ROE team, working with specialists across the Agency, developed the text elements of the 2008 ROE. The final indicators were incorporated into the text to produce the full 2008 ROE. This draft document was reviewed internally at EPA, externally by other federal agencies and OMB, and externally by SAB (including public comment on the federal docket). EPA revised the document based on comments and, after the third review, finalized it for publication.


1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004. EPA’s Draft Report on the Environment (ROE) 2003: An advisory by the ROE Advisory Panel of the EPA Science Advisory Board. Science Advisory Board. EPA/SAB/05/004. http://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabproduct.nsf/18246BED9FB52FE085256F6A006BC3C1/$File/SAB-05-004_unsigned.pdf
2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004. E-docket for Draft Report on the Environmental Technical Document. Docket Number: OEI-2003-0030. http://www.regulations.gov/fdmspublic/component/main?main=DocketDetail&d=EPA-HQ-OEI-2003-0030
3 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004. Summary report of the National Dialogue on the EPA Draft Report on the Environment 2003. Office of Environmental Information. http://www.epa.gov/Envindicators/docs/National_Dialogue_Summary_Report.pdf
4 An additional organizational element, the Indicators Work Group, was added to the process as the indicators were being finalized for the July 2005 peer review. The Indicators Work Group provided coordination between the ROE Work Group and the Environmental Indicators Steering Committee.
5 Office of Management and Budget. 2004. Final information quality bulletin for peer review. December 16, 2004. http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda/fy2005/m05-03.pdf
6 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2006. Report of the peer review of proposed ROE07 indicators. Office of Research and Development. http://cfpub.epa.gov/eroe/index.cfm?fuseaction=main.peerReview

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