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Leland Benin Page

Pulcherie, Aminatou, Jaques, and Sostène search for information using the InternetUsing the Internet for Research
Pulcherie, Aminatou, Jaques, and Sostène search for information using the Internet.
TEI Cybercafe, one of the public Internet access centers in Cotonou.TEI Cybercafe
TEI Cybercafe, one of the public Internet access centers in Cotonou.
Max and Marie-Pascale show the chocolate they earned during the Leland training in Cotonou, August 1998.Max and Marie-Pascale
Max and Marie-Pascale show the chocolate they earned during the Leland training in Cotonou, August 1998.
Training graduates with trainers Zoey and Brian (Leland/Washington), at the Leland training of trainers in Cotonou, August 1998.Internet Trainers
Training graduates with trainers Zoey and Brian (Leland/Washington), at the Leland training of trainers in Cotonou, August 1998.
(l-r) Yaovi Atohoun (Leland/Benin), Brian Bacon (Leland/Washington), Jacqueline Ahouansou (Leland/Benin) at the Leland training in Cotonou, August 1998.USAID/Leland Team for Benin
(l-r) Yaovi Atohoun (Leland/Benin), Brian Bacon (Leland/Washington), Jacqueline Ahouansou (Leland/Benin) at the Leland training in Cotonou, August 1998.

Côte d'Ivoire
Leland Côte d'Ivoire Page

Youvi (Leland/Benin) and Isidore (Winrock) assisting trainers at the Leland training in Abidjan, October 1998.Yaovi and Isidore
Youvi (Leland/Benin) and Isidore (Winrock) assisting trainers at the Leland training in Abidjan, October 1998.
Action planning session at the Leland training in Abidjan, October 1998.Action Planning Session
Action planning session at the Leland training in Abidjan, October 1998.
Brian (Leland/ Washington) opening a two day training at the Leland training in Abidjan, October 1998.Brian
Brian (Leland/ Washington) opening a two day training at the Leland training in Abidjan, October 1998.
Training group at the Leland training in Abidjan, October 1998.Training Group
Training group at the Leland training in Abidjan, October 1998.

Leland Eritrea Page

(l to r) US Embassy Charge Howard Perlow, USAID Action Mission Director Jeffrey Allen, Ministry of Transport and Communications Director General Estifanos Afeworki, and Minister of Transport and Communications Saleh Idris Kekia.Leland MOU Signing Ceremony
(l to r) US Embassy Charge Howard Perlow, USAID Action Mission Director Jeffrey Allen, Ministry of Transport and Communications Director General Estifanos Afeworki, and Minister of Transport and Communications Saleh Idris Kekia.
(l to r) Estifanos Afeworki,  Minister Kekia, Aemro Araya, Mekonnen Fesshazion, Tecle Woldesellasse, and Tewelde Gebreab.Eritrean Internet Team
(l to r) Estifanos Afeworki,  Minister Kekia, Aemro Araya, Mekonnen Fesshazion, Tecle Woldesellasse, and Tewelde Gebreab.
Exchanging copies of the MOUSigning the MOU Exchanging copies of the MOU

Leland Ghana Page

On the Internet: USAID/ Accra staff and representatives from their partner institutions with help from Zoey (Leland/Washington) at the Leland training in Accra, February 1997.Internet Training, February 1997
On the Internet: USAID/ Accra staff and representatives from their partner institutions with help from Zoey (Leland/Washington) at the Leland training in Accra, February 1997.
Training group discussing Internet use for their work, facilitated by Steven at the Leland training in Accra, February 1997.Reflection and Discussion
Training group discussing Internet use for their work, facilitated by Steven at the Leland training in Accra, February 1997.

Leland Guinea Page

Labe Ground StationLabe Ground Station N'Zerekore Ground StationN'Zerekore Ground Station
Kankan Ground StationKankan Ground Station Officials at Secondary Site Gateway Inaguration, June 15, 1999Officials at Secondary Site Gateway Inaguration, June 15, 1999

Leland Guinea-Bissau Page

Guinea-Bissau and USAID representatives at signing ceremony,  Jan. 10, 1997.MOU Signing Ceremony
Guinea-Bissau and USAID representatives at signing ceremony,  Jan. 10, 1997.
Juveano and Grietzen paying close attention at the Leland training-of-trainers in Bissau, January 1998.Training at SITEC
Juveano and Grietzen paying close attention at the Leland training-of-trainers in Bissau, January 1998.
Ato (Leland/Ghana) explaining a concept at the Leland training-of-trainers in Bissau, January 1998.Ato
Ato (Leland/Ghana) explaining a concept at the Leland training-of-trainers in Bissau, January 1998.
Graduates of the Leland training-of-trainers in Bissau, January 1998: Nelson, Duarte, Zoey (Leland/Washington), Jacinto, Juveano, Grietzen, Victorine, Cristiano, Ato (Leland/Ghana).Internet Trainers
Graduates of the Leland training-of-trainers in Bissau, January 1998: Nelson, Duarte, Zoey (Leland/Washington), Jacinto, Juveano, Grietzen, Victorine, Cristiano, Ato (Leland/Ghana).

Leland Madagascar Page

      Station Inauguration Ribbon-cutting ceremony,  May 16, 1997.Ground Station Inauguration Ribbon-cutting ceremony,  May 16, 1997. Madagascar ISPs at Ground Station Inauguration.Ground Station Inauguration
Madagascar ISPs at Ground Station Inauguration.
Melissa, Mamy and Irnine navigate the Web at the Leland Training in Antananarivo, July 1998.Melissa, Mamy  and Irmine
Melissa, Mamy and Irnine navigate the Web at the Leland Training in Antananarivo, July 1998.
Ghyslaine presenting her action plan at the Leland Training in Antananarivo, July 1998.Ghyslaine
Ghyslaine presenting her action plan at the Leland Training in Antananarivo, July 1998.
The group talking about the potential of the Internet for Madagascar at the Leland Training in Antananarivo, July 1998.Group Discussion
The group talking about the potential of the Internet for Madagascar at the Leland Training in Antananarivo, July 1998.
(left-to-right) Zoey Breslar (Leland/Washington), Melissa Rosser (Leland/Washington), Skip Waskin (USAID/Madagascar), Mary Norris (USAID/Madagascar), and Roland Ramamonjisoa (USAID/Madagascar) at the Leland Training in Antananarivo, July 1998.USAID/Leland Training Group for Madagascar
(left-to-right) Zoey Breslar (Leland/Washington), Melissa Rosser (Leland/Washington), Skip Waskin (USAID/Madagascar), Mary Norris (USAID/Madagascar), and Roland Ramamonjisoa (USAID/Madagascar) at the Leland Training in Antananarivo, July 1998.

Leland Mali Page

Creating action plans for future Internet use at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.Group Discussion
Creating action plans for future Internet use at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.
Amadou presenting his action plan at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.Amadou
Amadou presenting his action plan at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.
Martine and Fanta searching the web at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.Martine and Fanta
Martine and Fanta searching the web at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.
Jessica distributes chocolate for correct answers at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.Jessica
Jessica distributes chocolate for correct answers at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.
Manlafi and Kebe find great information on the Web at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.Manlafi and Kebe
Manlafi and Kebe find great information on the Web at the Leland training in Bamako, December 1997.
A USAID team creates an action plan for their Internet use at theLeland training in Bamako, December 1997.Crafting an  Action Plan
A USAID team creates an action plan for their Internet use at theLeland training in Bamako, December 1997.

Leland Training-of-Trainers - Bamako, Mali - May, 1999

Fatim and her team working out the details of how to build Internet awareness among decision-makers.Fatim
Fatim and her team working out the details of how to build Internet awareness among decision-makers.
New Internet Trainers Cheick, Aissata, Kader, Diby and Mohammed (with Zoey from Leland/Washington) after having spent the day introducing 30 University students to
      Internet basics.Training for Students
New Internet Trainers Cheick, Aissata, Kader, Diby and Mohammed (with Zoey from Leland/Washington) after having spent the day introducing 30 University students to Internet basics.
Kante and Samake searching the Internet during the Leland training-of-trainers in Bamako, May 1999.Finding Internet Resources
Kante and Samake searching the Internet during the Leland training-of-trainers in Bamako, May 1999.
Marie ClaireMarie Claire
Click for full size version
Stella and her team discussing their action plan at the Leland training-of-trainers in Bamako, May 1999.Stella
Stella and her team discussing their action plan at the Leland training-of-trainers in Bamako, May 1999.
Internet Trainers from the University of Mali, having just completed the Leland training-of-trainers in Bamako, May 1999.Internet Trainers
Internet Trainers from the University of Mali, having just completed the Leland training-of-trainers in Bamako, May 1999.

Leland Mozambique Page

George Wachtenheim, USAID Mission Director to Mozambique, exchanging signed copies of the MOU with Paulo Muxanga, Minister of Transport and Communications, Oct. 24, 1996.MOU Signing Ceremony
George Wachtenheim, USAID Mission Director to Mozambique, exchanging signed copies of the MOU with Paulo Muxanga, Minister of Transport and Communications, Oct. 24, 1996.

Leland Rwanda Page

Leland training for Ministry officials in Kigali, Rwanda, July 1998.Rwanda Training
Leland training for Ministry officials in Kigali, Rwanda, July 1998.
University of Butare VSAT, online September 1999.VSAT Operational
University of Butare VSAT, online September 1999.


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