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USAID Leland Initiative:

Africa Global Information Infrastructure Project

Leland Africa ImageBringing the benefits of the global information revolution to people of Africa,
through connection to the Internet.

The Leland Initiative is a five-year, $15 million U.S. government effort to extend full Internet connectivity to 20 or more African countries. The Leland Initiative builds on existing capacity with the ultimate aim of facilitating Internet access throughout each country. The Leland Initiative hopes to achieve the following results:

  • Improving connectivity within Africa
  • Increasing access by Africans to people and information for sustainable development
  • Enhancing African ability to find solutions to African problems
  • Making African-produced information available to the world

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Leland Initiative Links

Project Description

Partner Countries

Leland Activity Update

Internet Resource Center

Leland Photo Gallery

Biography of Mickey Leland
Business Opportunities
Internet Gateway Design
FCC News Release on Launching of New Global Internet Initiative

"Making the Connection Count: Effective Use of the Internet in Seven Steps"

Last Modified: Tuesday, 28-Aug-2001 15:53:18 EDT
