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Bulleted image used for graphical enhancement of the page 2004 AASHTO National Civil Rights Conference Workshop Presentations

Good Faith Effort Presentation

by Dillard, Dillard, and Dillard

Powerpoint Presentation: 03aashto.ppt (46 Kb)

[Slide 1]

September 2004


Work with Prime/General Contractors to identify specific items of work to be made available to DBE firms

[Slide 2]

  • Offer items of work normally performed with bidders own work force
  • Offer items of work that can be broken down into economically feasible units
  • Offer a sufficient amount of work to meet the DBE goal
  • Dillard, Dillard, & Dillard provide data base query for qualified DBE firms
  • Query for all local, regional, and statewide available data bases for qualified DBE firms

Advertise in three trade associations and two ethnic focus general circulations request for DBE participation. Advertisements should include the following:

[Slide 3]

  • Name, location of project
  • Bid date
  • Items of work
  • Scope of work
  • Location where DBEs can review plans and specifications
  • Contact name, phone number for bonding, insurance, line of credit, technical assistance.

Send written solicitation notices to approved DBE firms on a timely basis. Should include the following information:

[Slide 4]

  • Name, location of project
  • Bid date
  • Items of work
  • Scope of work
  • Location where DBEs can review plans and specifications
  • Contact name, phone number for bonding, insurance, line of credit, technical assistance
  • Date and time to submit quotes
  • And any special requirements

Follow up of initial solicitation with DBE firms. Show documented activity of telephone calls and fax logs with the following information:

[Slide 5]

  • Type of contact: Telephone, fax, or e-mail
  • Name of contact person
  • Name of DBE firm
  • Date and time of DBE contacted
  • Phone number of DBE contacted
  • Response of each firm
  • Reason for firm not bidding on project

Contact agencies in local market area for assistance in contacting, recruiting, and using DBE firms. Provide the agencies with the following information:

[Slide 6]

  • Name, location of project
  • Bid date
  • Items of work
  • Scope of work
  • Location where DBEs can review plans and specifications
  • Contact name, phone number for bonding, insurance, line of credit, technical assistance.
  • Date and Time to submit quotes and any special requirements

Attend pre-bid meetings to meet potential DBE firms. Host DBE informational workshops in conjunction with local minority businesses organizations such as:

[slide 7]

  • Oakland Black Board of Trade and Commerce,
  • Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, etc.

Document all assistance provided to interested DBE firms with regards to plans. Specifications and special requirements of the contract to assist them in responding to the solicitation.

[slide 8]

  • Identify the name of the DBE
  • Nature of the information provided
  • Date of contact
  • Bonding assistance offered
  • Lines of Credit assistance offered
  • Assistance in obtaining insurance
  • Assistance in securing necessary equipment
  • Assistance in securing supplies and materials
  • Any additional data to support a demonstration of good faith effort and provide copies of supporting documents

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