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Task 1: Retrospective on Data and Literature

Task Chief: Richard Whitman, Sheridan Haack
Collaborators: xxx
Period of Project: March 2008 - present

Task 1 Long-term goals

public beach at Maumee Bay

In 2008 the primary objective of Task 1 is to compile reference information in a common database, and beach information in a prototype GIS, so that team members can use the information in further study design.

The long-term goal is to develop a GIS-based compilation of Great Lakes beaches, with data on physical and hydrogeological characteristics, orientation to typical weather patterns, and other physical features that might influence beach bacteria concentrations.  Accompanying the GIS would be linked tabular data summarizing available information such as sanitary survey data, NPDES-permitted outfalls, summary data on beach closures or bacteria concentrations, or data on governing variables from predictive models where available.  The result would be a framework within which to characterize Great Lakes beaches, a tool for evaluating how to choose coastal regions for further analysis, and a tool against which beaches can be compared from place-to-place within the Great Lakes.  The GIS would also be a useful tool for evaluating patterns in existing data sets as part of any retrospective analysis.  In addition to the GIS, reference publications will be compiled in an internal database for the use of the study team, and references will be associated with specific beach sites in the GIS.


The primary objective is to compile reference information in a common database, and beach information in a prototype GIS, so that team members can use the information in further study design.

Specific objectives are to:

  1. Compile an internal reference database for the group
  2. Compile datasets and make a unified table of beach information.  Some data to be included is:
      1. List of beaches from State beach programs/EPA or municipalities (frequency of sampling, number of exceedances of criteria for 2005-2007)
      2. List of beaches with sanitary surveys (USEPA or survey of their own data)
      3. List of beaches where research has been conducted
      4. List of beaches with models (including stage of development, parameters, etc.)
      5. List of beaches where groundwater has been studied
      6. List where lake level, seiche, upwelling, currents and resuspension have been studied in relation to FIB and pathogens
      7. List of where seasonality, cloning, genomics, persistence and viability has been investigated
      8. Information on process modeling of beach contamination
  3. Prepare a simple GIS base to which tabular information could be georeferenced
  4. GIS: base layer, geology layer, hydrology layer, other base information
  5. Attend ASM, Oceans/L&O, GLBA, GSA, and/or IAGLR to learn new approaches and discuss issues with fellow researchers



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