What Should I Know About ED Grants? - September 1998
Other Information
Archived Information

  1. U.S. Department of Education

    • General Information

      To get more information about any aspect of the Department, its structure, or its programs, or to get answers to questions not answered by this booklet, contact:

      (800) USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327)

    • Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs

      A copy of the Guide can be obtained from the Department’s Web site under the "Programs and Services" link at

    • Internet

      Those with access to the Internet can tap a rich collection of education-related information at the U.S. Department of Education’s Web site. The site includes such things as statistical information, research findings and syntheses, full-text publications, directories of effective programs, and other similar data.

      Visit ED’s Web site at the following Internet address:

      (NOTE: The Department does NOT offer a public-access WWW client. You cannot access the server through Telnet sessions with the Department’s site. You must have an appropriate web browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Explorer at your site or be able to Telnet to a public access client elsewhere.)

      You can send suggestions and/or questions about the content of our Web site to our Webmaster at the following e-mail address:

  2. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)

    • The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance gives comprehensive information on grants and other forms of assistance available from programs across the whole federal government. In addition, it provides a wealth of information on such topics as the organizational structure of federal agencies and grant proposal writing. The catalog is sent to a number of distribution points, including U.S. Government Depository Libraries in each state, Federal Executive Boards in major metropolitan areas, and offices of state and local governments. It is often available in the reference sections of major libraries as well. You can also purchase a subscription directly from the Government Printing Office. For further information, please contact:

      Superintendent of Documents
      Attn: New Orders
      Box 371954
      Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954

      or any of the U.S. Government Bookstores located in major cities throughout the nation (see 9., below).

      The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance can be accessed on-line at the following Internet address:

      Data on catalog programs can also be searched through the Federal Assistance Programs Retrieval System (FAPRS), a computerized question-answer system designed to provide rapid access to information in the catalog via key-word and criteria searches. States have designated access points where you may request a search of FAPRS. Catalog data may also be purchased on floppy diskettes (or magnetic tape) for use at local sites. For further information on FAPRS, designated access points, or purchasing the catalog in data format, please contact:

      Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog Staff
      General Services Administration
      Ground Floor, Reporters Building
      300 7th Street, SW
      Washington, DC 20407
      Telephone: (202) 708-5126
      Toll-Free Answering Service: 1-800-669-8331

  3. Federal Register

      The Federal Register is published daily, Monday through Friday, and provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by federal agencies. The Government Printing Office distributes paper, 24x microfiche, and on-line versions to U.S. Government Depository Libraries (see 8., below). It is often available in the reference sections of other major libraries as well. You can also purchase your own paper or microfiche subscription. For further information, contact:

      Superintendent of Documents
      Attn: New Orders
      Box 371954
      Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954

      or any of the U.S. Government Bookstores located in major cities throughout the nation (see 9., below).

      Telephone orders can be made with a credit card by dialing:

      (202) 512-1800 (voice)
      (202) 512-2250 (fax)
      (202) 512-2265 (TDD)

      The Federal Register is also available as an on-line database. Public access is available in the following ways:

      Telnet to SWAIS.ACCESS.GPO.GOV, login as guest (no password required)

      Use a modem to dial (202) 512-1661, type swais, login as guest (no password required)

      Reach the database via the World Wide Web:

      Dial (202) 512-1530 (voice) for information and assistance with on-line services

      Other questions about the Federal Register can be directed to their customer service line on (202) 523-5227.

  4. Code of Federal Regulations

      The Government Printing Office distributes the CFR to each U.S. Government Depository Library (see 8., below). The Code is often available in the reference sections of major libraries as well. You can also purchase volumes directly from the Government Printing Office. For further information please contact:

      Superintendent of Documents
      Attn: New Orders
      Box 371954
      Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954

      or any of the U.S. Government Bookstores located in major cities throughout the nation (see 9., below).

      Telephone orders can be made with a credit card by dialing:

      (202) 512-1800 (voice)
      (202) 512-2250 (fax)
      (202) 512-2265 (TDD)

      The Code of Federal Regulations can be accessed on-line at the following Internet address:

  5. Federal legislation

      You can obtain copies of pending and enacted federal legislation by contacting the Senate or House of Representatives at the following numbers:

      Senate Document Room: (202) 224-7701
      House Document Room: (202) 226-5200

      (NOTE: You MUST know the bill or law number in order to ask for copies of legislation.)

      For further information about ordering other congressional documents, contact the Government Printing Office on (202) 512-1800.

      Legislative information is also available on-line at the following Internet address:

  6. Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)

      EDGAR is composed of Parts 74-86 of Title 34 of the CFR (see 4., above). Since it is designed primarily for the benefit of recipients of discretionary grants and cooperative agreements, the Department provides copies, as a matter of practice, only to those who have already received an award. If you are a grantee who did not receive a copy with your award package, you may ask for one by contacting the grant team member named on your Grant Award Notification. An electronic version of EDGAR can be downloaded from ED’s Web site at

  7. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars

      To order OMB circulars by telephone, call (202) 395-7332. You can send written requests to:

      Office of Management and Budget
      EOP Publications
      Room 2200, NEOB
      725 17th Street, NW
      Washington, DC 20503

      You MUST know the number of the circular that you wish to receive.

      Or, you can obtain OMB Circulars from OMB’s Web site at:

  8. U.S. Government Depository Libraries

      U.S. Government Depository Libraries are found in each state and act as official repositories for federal documents, such as some of those mentioned in this booklet. To obtain the location of the libraries in your state, you can get a free copy of The Federal Depository Library Directory by calling the number below:

      (202) 512-1119 (voice)
      (202) 512-1432 (fax)

      To get a listing within specific area codes call: U.S. Fax Watch (Automated fax on demand system)

      (202) 512-1716

      Those with Internet access can get a listing of libraries at the following location:

      or request the directory via E-mail:

  9. U.S. Government Bookstores

      In addition to buying publications directly from the Government Printing Office, you can find them at any of the 24 regional U.S. Government Bookstores throughout the nation. Bookstores are located in the following cities:

      Atlanta, GA Dallas, TX Laurel, MD Portland, OR
      Birmingham, AL Denver, CO Los Angeles, CA Pueblo, CO
      Boston, MA Detroit, MI Milwaukee, WI San Francisco, CA
      Chicago, IL Houston, TX New York, NY Seattle, WA
      Cleveland, OH Jacksonville, FL Philadelphia, PA Washington, DC
      Columbus, OH Kansas City, MO Pittsburgh, PA

      A complete listing of bookstore locations, hours of operation, and phone numbers can be found at the following Internet address:

  10. Federal Information Center

      The Federal Information Center provides a wealth of information about the operations and offerings of the federal government, including telephone contact numbers that you can dial to get grant-related information from other federal departments and agencies. You can contact the Federal Information Center between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time) at:

      1-800-688-9889 (voice)
      1-800-326-2996 (for TDD/TTY users) (Internet)

  11. Miscellaneous sources of information

      National Grants Management Association (NGMA)

      NGMA is a private membership organization of representatives of federal and state grantor entities, non-governmental organizations, college and university officials, and other persons responsible for administering assistance programs. The organization provides monthly and annual training conferences in the Washington, DC area and publishes a semi-annual journal and a quarterly newsletter. Membership is available by paying annual dues. For further information, contact:

      P.O. Box 5333
      Rockville, Maryland 20848-5333
      (301) 871-0730

      The Foundation Center

      The Foundation Center provides information about non-federal sources of funding. In addition to its publications and extensive collection of materials at its several locations in the U.S., the Center also offers an Associates Program and a Cooperating Collections Program at numerous sites throughout the nation. You can obtain more information by contacting the Center’s headquarters at:

      The Foundation Center
      79 Fifth Avenue, Dept. JG
      New York, NY 10003-3076
      (212) 620-4230 (Internet)

  12. Internet Directory


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