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Great Lakes Beach Science

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Beach Science Bibliography

This bibliography lists any publication that contributes to the understanding of beach health issues.

Bibliography: Ohio Water Science Center beach fact sheets and reports

Article Database: NOAA Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health


get Charting the Course for Ocean Science document  "Charting the Course for Ocean Science in the United States for the Next Decade." CEQ.

Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Committee on Ocean Policy. "Ocean Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy." Online at:

Project Fact Sheet. "U.S. Ocean Action Plan Ocean Research Priorities Plan-Great Lakes Research Project: Improving Great Lakes Coastal  Recreational Water-Quality Monitoring and Forecasting." Dated 31 March 2008. Online at: ORPP factsheet_31Mar08.pdf

Journal Articles

Abbott S., Caughley B., and Scott G., 1998. Evaluation of enterolert for the enumeration of enterococci in the marine environment. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 32(4):505-513.

Allwood, P.B., Yashpal S. Malik, Craig W. Hedberg, and Sagar M. Goyal, 2003. Survival of F-Specific RNA Coliphage, Feline Calicivirus and Escherichia coli in Water: a Comparative Study. Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology Volume 69 (9), p. 5707-5710.

APHA, 1998, American Public Health Association. 1998. Standard methods for the analysis of water and wastewater, 20th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.

Archer, J.R., J.R. Ball, J.H. Standridge, S. R. Greb, P. W. Rasmussen, J. P. Masterson and L. Boushon, 1995, Cryptosporidium spp. Oocyst and Giardia spp. Cyst occurrence, concentrations and distributions in Wisconsin waters: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources PUBL-WR420- 95, 81 p.

Blaser M.J. and L.S. Newman LS. 1982. A review of human salmonellosis: I. Infective dose. Rev Infect Dis. 1982 Nov-Dec;4(6):1096-106.

Brion, G.M.; J. S. Meschke and M. D. Sobsey, 2002, F-specific RNA coliphages: occurrence, types, and survival in natural waters, Water Research, 36, 2419-2415.

Cabelli, V. J. (1978) Water Pollution Microbiology, Vol. 2. R. Mitchell (ed.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 233-271.

Cabelli, V. J. 1981. Health effects criteria for marine recreational waters. u. s. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/1-80-031. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cabelli, V.J., 1983.Health Effects Criteria for Marine Recreational Waters. EPA-600/1-80-131. USEPA Research Triangle Park, NC

Cole, D., S. C. Long, and M. D. Sobsey, 2003. Evaluation of F+ RNA and DNA Coliphages as Source- Specific Indicators of Fecal Contamination in surface Waters, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol 69, No. 11, p. 6507-6514.

Craun, G.F. 1990. Waterborne Giardiasis. In E.A Meyer, ed. Giardiasis. Elsevier, New York, N.Y. Dufour. A.P. 1984. Health Effects Criteria for Fresh Recreational Waters. EPA-600/1-84-004. USEPA Research Triangle Park, NC

DuPont, H.L, M.M. Levine, R.B. Hornick and S.B. Formal , 1989. Inoculum size in shigellosis and implications for expected mode of transmission . J. Infect. Dis 159:1126-8

DuPont, H.L., C.L. Chappell, C.R. Sterling, P.C. Okhuysen, J.B. Rose, and W. Jakubowski. 1995. The infectivity of Cryptosporium parvum in healthy volunteers. N. Eng. J. med 332:855-9

Dutka, B.J., 1977, Microbiological Study of Storm Runoff Waters From A 100% Residential Area in Canada: Canadian Research, v. 10, no. 6, p. 51-53.

Feachem, R.G., D. J. Bradley, H. Garelick and D. D. Mara, 1983. Sanitation and Disease: Health Aspects of Excreta and Wastewater Management. Chichester. John Wiley & Sons.

Francy, D.S., and R.A. Darner, 1998. Factors Affecting Escherichia coli Concentrations at Lake Erie Public Bathing Beaches. United States Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4241, 41 p.

Francy, D.S.; Gifford, A.M.; Darner, R.A., 2003, Escherichia coli at Ohio bathing beaches—distribution, sources, wastewater indicators, and predictive modeling: U.S. Geological Survey, Water- Resources Investigations Report 02-4285, 120 p.

Fricker EJ, and C.R. Fricker, 1996. Use of defined substrate technology and a novel procedure for estimating the number of enterococci in water. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 27(2-3):207- 210.

Furuse, K. T.1987.Distribution of coliphages in the environment: general considerations. In S. M. Goyal, C.P. Gerba, and G. Bitton (eds), Phase Ecology. Wiley-Interscience, New York. Furuse, K. (1987) pp. 87-124, In: Phage Ecology, S.M. Goyal, C.P. Gerba and G. Bitton (eds.), Wiley- Interscience, New York.

Corsi, S.R., J.F. Walker, R.J. Waschbusch and J. H. Standridge, 2003. Sources and Variability of Cryptosporidium in the Milwaukee River Watershed. Water Environment Research Foundation Report 99-HHE-2, 114 P.

Griffin, P. M. 1995. Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other enterohemorrhagic E. coli. In: Blaser, M.J., P.D. Smith, J.I. Ravdin, H.B. Greenberg, and R.L. Guerrant (eds) Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Raven Press. New York, N.Y.

Griffin, D.W.; C.J. Gibson, E.K. Lipp, K. Riley, J.H. Paul and J.B. Rose, 1999, Detection of viral pathogens by reverse transcriptase PCR and of microbial indicators by standard methods in the canals of the Florida Keys, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 65(9), 4118-4125.

Griffin, P.M. Tauxe R.V. 1991. The epidemiology of infections caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7, other enterohemorrhagic E. coli, and the associated hemolytic uremic syndrome. Epidemiol Rev. 13:60-98.

Havelaar, A. A., W.M. Pot-Hogeboom, K. Furuse, R. Pot and M.P. Hormann. 1990. F-specific RNA bacteriophages and sensitive strains in faeces and wastewater of human and animal origin. J Appl Bacteriol 69 (1990), pp.30-37.

Havelaar, A.H.; M.Van Olphen and Y.C. Drost, 1993, F-specific RNA bacteriophages are adequate model organisms for enteric viruses in fresh water, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 59(9), 2656-2962.

Helsel, D.R., and R. M. Hirsch, 1992. Statistical Methods in Water Resources. Studies in Environmental Science, Vol. 49. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 529 p.

Hendricks, C.W. (1978) pp. 99-145, In: Indicators of Virus in Water and Food, G. Berg (ed.), Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI.

Hörman, A.; R. Rimhanen-Finne, L. Maunula, C.H. von Bonsdorff, N. Torvela, A. Heikinheimo and M.L. Hänninen, 2004. Campylobacter spp., Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp., noroviruses and indicator organisms in surface water in southwestern Finland, 2000-2001, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70(1), 87-95.

Hsu, F. C., Y. S. C. Shich, J. van Duin, M. J. Beckwilder, and M. D. Sobsey. 1995. Genotyping malespecific RNA coliphages by hybridization with oligonucleotide probes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61: 3960-3966.

Hsu, F.C.; Shieh, Y.s.C.; VanDuin, J.; Beekwilder, M.J.; Sobsey, M.D., 1995 Genotyping male-specific RNA coliphages by hybridization with oligonucleotide probes, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 61(11), 3960-3966.

Jiang, S.; Noble, R.; Chu, W., 2001, Human adenoviruses and coliphages in urban runoff-impacted coastal waters of sourhern California, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67(1), 179-184.

Johnson, J. Y. M., J.E. Thomas, T. A. Graham, I. Townsend, J. Byrne, L.B. Selinger and V.P.J. Gannon. 2003. Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. in surface waters of southern Alberta and its relation to manure sources. Can. J. Microbiol. 49: 326-335.

Keene, W. E., J.M. McAnulty, F. C. Hoesly, L. P. Williams, K. Hedberg, G. L. Oxman, T. J. Barrett, M.A. Pfaller, and D.W. Fleming. 1994. A swimming-associated outbreak of hemorrhagic colitis caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Shigella sonnei. New Engl. J. Med. 9 (331): 579-584.

LeChevallier, M.W., Di Giovanni, G, Clancy, J.L., Bukhari, Z., Bukhari, S., Rosen, J.S., Sobrinho, J., Frey, M.M. 2002. Source Water Assessment: Variability of Pathogen Concentrations; American Water Works Association Research Foundation: Denver, CO, USA, 238 p.

Lemarchand, K.; Lebaron, P., 2003, Occurrence of Salmonella spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. in a French coastal watershed: relationship with fecal indicators, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 218, 203-209.

Lewis, G.D. 1995. F-Specific Bacteriophage as an Indicator of Human Viruses in Natural Waters and Sewage Effluents in Northern New Zealand, Water Science Technology: 5-6, 231-234

Mueller, D.K., J.D. Martin and T.J. Lopes, 1997. Quality-control design for surface-water sampling in the National Water-Quality Assessment Program: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-223, 17 p.

Mueller E. E., W. O.K. Grabow and M. M. Ehlers. 2003. Immunomagnetic separation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from environmental and wastewater in South Africa. Water SA 29: 427-432.

Murray, P. R., E. J. Baron, J. H. Jorgensen, M. A. Pfaller and R. H. Yolken. 2003 Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 8th ed. ASM Press. Washington, D.C.

Olyphant, G.A.; J. Thomas, R.L. Whitman and D. Harper, 2003. Characterization and statistical modeling of bacterial (Escherichia coli) outflows from watersheds that discharge into southern Lake Michigan: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 81, 289-300.

Reynolds, K. A. 2003. Coliform Bacteria: A Failed Indicator of Water Quality? International Water Conditioning and Purification Magazine 45 (9).

Rimhanen-Finne, R.; A. Vuorinen, S. Marmo, S. Malmberg and M.L. Hänninen, 2004. Comparative analysis of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and indicator bacteria during sewage sludge hygienization in various composting processes, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 38, 301-305.

Rose, J.B., J.T. Lisle and M. LeChevalier. 1997, Waterborne Cryptosporidiosis: Incidence, outbreaks and Treatment Strategies. In R. Fayer, ed. Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis. CRC Press. Boca Raton Fl.

Sobsey M.D. , T. R. Handzel and A. Amante, 1996. Detection and occurrence of coliphage indicators in water. In: Proceedings of the 1995 Water Quality Technology Conference. Amer Water Works Assoc, Den ver, Co., 1996.

Swerdlow, D. L., B.A.Woodruff, , R. C. Brady, P.M. Griffin, S. Tippen, H. D. Donnell, Jr., E. Geldreich, B. J. Payne, A. Meyer, Jr., J. G. Wells, K. D. Greene, M. Bright, N. H. Bean, and P. A. Blake. 1992. A waterborne outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 associated with bloody diarrhea and death. Ann. Int. Med. 117 (10):812-819.

USEPA. 1986. Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria – 1986. EPA 440/5-84-002.

USEPA. 1999. United States Environmental Protection Agency .Method 1623: Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA. EPA-821-R-99-006. Office of Water, Washington, DC.

USEPA. 2001, Office of Water, 2001. Washington, D.C. 20460. EPA 821-R-01-029 April 2001. U.S. Food and Drug Administration website ,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2002, Time-relevant beach and recreational water quality monitoring and reporting, U.S. EPA report EPA/625/R-02/017.

USFDA, 2001. Analysis and Evaluation of Preventive Control Measures for the Control and Reduction/Elimination of Microbial Hazards on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce U. S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. September 30, 2001

Wagner, R.J., H. C. Mattraw, G.F. Ritz, and B.A. Smith, 2000. Guidelines and Standard Procedures for Continuous Water-Quality Monitors: Site Selection, Field Operation, Calibration, Record Computation, and Reporting. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 00- 4252, 53 p.

Wilson, J. D., E. Baumwald, K. J. Isselbacher, R. G. Petersdorf, J. B. Martin, A. S. Fauci, R. K. Root.1991. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 12the ed. McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Whitman R.L.; T.G. Horvath, M.L. Goodrich, M.B. Nevers, M.J. Wolcott and S.K. Haack, 2001. Characterization of E. coli levels at 63rd Street Beach, Report prepared for City of Chicago.

Whitman, R. L., D. A. Shively, Heather Pawlik, Meredith B. Nevers, and Muruleedhara N. Byappanahalli, 2003. Occurrence of Escherichia coli and Enterococci in Cladophora (Chlorophyta) in Nearshore Water and Beach Sand of Lake Michigan. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2003 August; 69 (8): 4714–4719.

Wilcoxon, F. 1945. Individual comparisons by ranking methods. Biometrics. 1:80-83.

Wischmeier, W.H., and D.D. Smith, 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses-a guide to conservation planning: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook No. 537, Washington, D.C., 58 p

Michgan bibliography

Ahmed, W. Stewart, J., Gardner, T., Powell, D., Brooks, P. Sullivan, D. and Tindale, N. Sourcing feacal pollution: A combination of library-dependent and library-independent methods to identify human faecal pollution in non-sewered catchments. Water Res. Vol.41: 3771-1779.

Bernhard, A.E. and Field, K.G., 2000a. Identification of nonpoint sources of fecal pollution in coastal waters by using host-specific 16S ribosomal DNA genetic markers from fecal anaerobes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66 (4), 1587-1594.

Bernhard, A.E., and Field, K.G., 2000b. A PCR assay to discriminate human and ruminant feces on the basis of host differences in Bacteroides-prevotella genes encoding 16S rRNA. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66 (10): 4571-4574.

Bernhard, A. E., T. Goyard, M. T. Simonich, and K. G. Field. 2003. Application of a rapid method for identifying fecal pollution sources in a multi-use estuary. Water Res 37:90913.

Bofill-Mas, S., Formiga-Cruz, M. 2001. Potential transmission of human polyomaviruses through the gastorintesintal tract after exposure to virons of viral DNA. J. Virol. 75 (21)10290-10299.

Brownell, M.J., Harwood, V.J., Kurz, R.C., McQuaig, S.M., Lukasik, J., and Scott, T.M. 2007.Confirmation of putative stormwater impact on water quality at a Florida beach by microbial source tracking methods and structure of indicator organism populations. Water Res. 41:3747-3757.

Burnes, B. S. 2003. Antibiotic resistance analysis of fecal coliforms to determine fecal pollution sources in a mixed-use watershed. Environ Monit Assess 85:87-98.

Carson, C. A., B. L. Shear, M. R. Ellersieck, and A. Asfaw. 2001. Identification of fecal Escherichia coli from humans and animals by ribotyping. Appl Environ Microbiol 67:1503-7.

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Crabtree, K. D., C. P. Gerba, J. B. Rose and C. N. Haas (1997). "Waterborne adenovirus: a risk assessment." Wat. Sci. Technol. 35(11-12): 1-6.

Crowther, J., D. Kay, and M.D. Wyer. 2002. Faecal-indicator concentrations in waters draining lowland pastoral catchments in the UK: relationships with land use and farming practices. Water Research 36:1725-1743.

Destro, M. T., M. F. Leitao, and J. M. Farber. 1996. Use of molecular typing methods to trace the dissemination of Listeria monocytogenes in a shrimp processing plant. Appl Environ Microbiol 62:705-11.

Devane, M.L., Robson, B., Nourozi, F., Scholes, P., Gilpin, B.J. 2007. A PCR marker for detection in surface waters of faecal pollution derived from ducks. Water Research 41: 3553 - 3560.

Dombek, P. E., L. K. Johnson, S. T. Zimmerley, and M. J. Sadowsky. 2000. Use of repetitive DNA sequences and the PCR To differentiate Escherichia coli isolates from human and animal sources. Appl Environ Microbiol 66:2572-7.

Domingo, J.W.S., Bambic, D.G., Edge, T.A., Wuertz, S. 2007. Quo vadis source tracking? Towards a strategic framework for environmental monitoring of fecal pollution. Water research 41: 3539 - 3992

Duda, A.M., D.R. Lenat, and D.L. Penrose. 1982. Water quality in urban streams: What can we expect? Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 54:1139-1147.

Edge, T.A., and Hill, S. 2007. Multiple lines of evidence to identify the sources of fecal pollution at a freshwater beach in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario. Water Res. 41:35853594.

Field, K. G., A. E. Bernhard, and T. J. Brodeur. 2003a. Molecular approaches to microbiological monitoring: fecal source detection. Environ Monit Assess 81:313-26.

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J. Le, B.H. Olson, and M.T. Simonich. 2003b. A comparative study of culture-independent, library-independent genotypic methods of fecal source tracking. J. Water and Health 1: 181-194.

Fong, T.T., Griffin, D.W., Lipp, E.K., 2005. Molecular assays for targeting human and bovine enteric viruses in coastal waters and their application for library-independent source tracking. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71 (4), 2070-2078.

Geary, P. M., and C. M. Davies. 2003. Bacterial source tracking and shellfish contamination in a coastal catchment. Water Sci Technol 47:95-100.

Guan, S., R. Xu, S. Chen, J. Odumeru, and C. Gyles. 2002. Development of a procedure for discriminating among Escherichia coli isolates from animal and human sources. Appl Environ Microbiol 68:2690-8.

Haack, S.K., L.R. Fogarty, and C. Wright. 2003. Escherichia coli and Enterococci at beaches in the Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan: Sources, characteristics, and environmental pathways. Environmental Science and Technology 37:3275-3282.

Hagedorn, C., S. L. Robinson, J. R. Filtz, S. M. Grubbs, T. A. Angier, and R. B. Reneau, Jr. 1999. Determining sources of fecal pollution in a rural Virginia watershed with antibiotic resistance patterns in fecal streptococci. Appl Environ Microbiol 65:5522-31.

Hagedorn, C., J. B. Crozier, K. A. Mentz, A. M. Booth, A. K. Graves, N. J. Nelson, and R. B. Reneau, Jr. 2003. Carbon source utilization profiles as a method to identify sources of faecal pollution in water. J Appl Microbiol 94:792-9.

Hartel, P.G., Hagedorn, C., McDonald, J.L., Fisher, J.A., Saluta, M.A., Dickerson Jr.,J.W., Gentit, L.C., Smith, S.L., Mantripragada, N.S., Ritter, K.J., and Belcher, C.N. 2007 Exposing water samples to ultraviolet light improves flurormetry for detecting human fecal contamination. Water Res. 41: 3629-3642.

Harwood, V. J., B. Wiggins, C. Hagedorn, R. D. Ellender, J. Gooch, J. Kern, M. Samadpour, A. C. Chapman, B. J. Robinson, and B. C. Thompson. 2003. Phenotypic library-based microbial source tracking methods: efficacy in the California collaborative study. J Water Health 1:153-66.

He, J.-W. and S. Jiang (2005). "Quantification of enterococci and human adenoviruses in environmental samples by real-time PCR." Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71(5): 2250-2255.

Holecek, Donald F. 2003. Status and Potential of Michigan’s Tourism Industry (Power point presentation) Travel Tourism and Recreation Resources Center, Michigan State University. Retrieved October, 2007.

Hsu, F.C., Sheieh, Y.S.C., van Duin, J., Beekwilder, M.J., and Sobsey, M.D., 1995. Genotyping male-specific RNA Coliphages by hycridization with oligonucleiotide probes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61 (11): 3960-3966.

Hunter, P.H. 2002. Does calculation of the 95th percentile of microbiological results offer any advantage over percentage exceedence in determining compliance with bathing water quality standards? Letters in Applied Microbiology 34: 283–286.

Jenkins, M. B., P. G. Hartel, T. J. Olexa, and J. A. Stuedemann. 2003. Putative temporal variability of Escherichia coli ribotypes from yearling steers. J Environ Qual 32:305-9.

Jiang, S., R. Noble and W. P. Chui (2001). "Human adenoviruses and coliphages in urban runoff-impacted coastal waters of Southern California." Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67(1): 179-184.

Jiang, S., H. Dezfulian and W. Chu (2005). "Real-time quantitative PCR for enteric adenovirus serotype 40 in environmental waters." Canadian Journal of Microbiology 51: 393.

Jiang, S. C. (2006). "Human adenoviruses in water: occurrence and health implications: a critical review." Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(23): 7132-7140.

Johnson, L. K., M. B. Brown, E. A. Carruthers, J. A. Ferguson, P. E. Dombek, and M. J. Sadowsky. 2004. Sample size, library composition, and genotypic diversity among natural populations of Escherichia coli from different animals influence accuracy of determining sources of fecal pollution. Appl Environ Microbiol 70:4478-85.

Kay D, Wyer MD, Crowther J, J. Wilkinson, C. Stapleton and P. Glass. 2005. Sustainable reduction in the flux of microbial compliance parameters from urban and arable land use to coastal bathing waters by a wetland ecosystem produced by a marine flood defence structure. Water Research 39 (14): 3320-3332.

Leavis, H.L., Willems, R.J.L., Top, J., Spalburg, E., Mascini, E.M., Fluit, A.C., Hoepelman, A., de Neeling, A.J., Bonten, M.J.M., 2003. Epidemic and nonepidemic multidrug-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Emerg. Infect. Dis 9(9), 1108-1115.

Leavis, H., Top, J., Shankar, N., Borgen, K., Bonten, M., van Embden, J., Willems, R.J.L., 2004. A novel putative enterococcal pathogenicity island linked to the esp virulence gene of Enterococcus faecium and associated with epidemicity. J. Bacteriol. 186(3), 672-682.

Lewis, G.P., J.D. Mitchell, C. B. Andersen, D. C. Haney, M. Liao, and K.A. Sargent. 2007. Urban influences on stream chemistry and biology in the Big Brushy Creek Watershed, South Carolina. Water Air and Soil Pollution 182:303-323.

Lu, J., Domingo, J.S., Shanks, O.C. (2007) Identification of chicken-specific fecal microbial sequences using a metagenomic approach. Water Research 41: 3561 - 3574.

Lund, B., and Edlund, C., 2003. Bloodstream isolates of Enterococcus faecium enriched with the enterococcal surface protein gene, esp, show increased adhesion to eukaryotic cells, J. Clin. Microbiol. 41(11):5183–5185.

Mallin, M.A., K.E. Williams, E. C. Esham, and R. P. Lowe. 2000. Effect of human development on bacteriological water quality in coastal watersheds. Ecological Applications 10: 10471056.

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McQuaig, S.M., Scott, T.M. Lukasik, J., and Farrah, S.R. 2006. Detection of human-derived fecal pollution in environmental waters by use of a PCR-based human polyomavirus assay. Appl.Environ.Microbiol. 72 (12)7567-7574.

Meays, C. L., K. Broersma, R. Nordin, and A. Mazumder. 2004. Source tracking fecal bacteria in water: a critical review of current methods. J Environ Manage 73:71-9.

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Moore, D. F., V. J. Harwood, D. M. Ferguson, J. Lukasik, P. Hannah, M. Getrich, and M. Brownell. 2005. Evaluation of antibiotic resistance analysis and ribotyping for identification of faecal pollution sources in an urban watershed. J Appl Microbiol 99:61828.

Myoda, S. P., C. A. Carson, J. J. Fuhrmann, B. K. Hahm, P. G. Hartel, H. Yampara-Lquise, L. Johnson, R. L. Kuntz, C. H. Nakatsu, M. J. Sadowsky, and M. Samadpour. 2003. Comparison of genotypic-based microbial source tracking methods requiring a host origin database. J Water Health 1:167-80.

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NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP). 2007. Michigan Land Use Grid. Retrieved October, 2007.

Okabe, S, Okayama N, Savichtcheva O, Ito T. 2007. Quantification of host-specific Bacteroides- Prevotella 16S rRNA genetic markers for assessment of fecal pollution in freshwater. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2007 Mar;74(4):890-901. Epub 2006 Dec 1.

Parveen, S., N. C. Hodge, R. E. Stall, S. R. Farrah, and M. L. Tamplin. 2001. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of human and nonhuman Escherichia coli. Water Res 35:379

86. Paul, M. and J. Meyer. 2001. Streams in the urban landscape. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 32: 333-365.

Pina, S., M. Puig, F. Lucena, J. Jofre and R. Girones (1998). "Viral pollution in the environment and in shellfish: human adenovirus detection by PCR as an index of human viruses." Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64(9): 3376-3382.

Plummer, J.D. and Long, S.C. 2007. Monitoring source water for microbial contamination: Evaluation of water quality measures. Water Res. Vol.41: 3716-3728.

Ritter, K. J., E. Carruthers, C. A. Carson, R. D. Ellender, V. J. Harwood, K. Kingsley, C. Nakatsu, M. Sadowsky, B. Shear, B. West, J. E. Whitlock, B. A. Wiggins, and J. D. Wilbur. 2003. Assessment of statistical methods used in library-based approaches to microbial source tracking. J Water Health 1:209-23.

Samadpour, M., J. Stewart, K. Steingart, C. Addy, J. Louderback, M. McGinn, J. Ellington, and T. Newman. 2002. Laboratory investigation of an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak associated with swimming in Battle Ground Lake, Vancouver, Washington. J Environ Health 64:1620, 26, 25.

Sampson, R.W., S.A. Swiatnicki, C.M. McDermott, and G.T. Kleinheinz. 2006. The effects of rainfall on Escherichia coli and total coliform levels at 15 Lake Superior recreational beaches. Water Resources Management 20:151-159.

Savichtcheva, O., Okayama, N. and Okabe, S. 2007. Relationships between Bacteroides 16s rRNA genetic markers and presence of bacterial enteric pathogens and conventional fecal indicators. Water Res. Vol.41: 3615-3628

Scott, T.M., Rose, J.B., Jenkins, T.M., Farrah, S.R., Lukasik, J., 2002. Microbial source tracking: Current methodology and future directions. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68(12), 57965803.

Scott, T.M., Jenkins, T.M., Lukasik, J., Rose, J.B., 2005. Potential use of a host associated molecular marker in Enterococcus faecium as an index of human fecal pollution. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(1), 283-287.

Simpson, J.M., Santo Domingo, J.W., Reasoner, D.J., 2002. Microbial source tracking: State of the science. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36 (24), 5279-5288.

State of Michigan (SOM). 2006. Retrieved October, 2007. Water Quality Awareness Week.,1607,7-168-23442_25488_32105-140440--,00.html

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