A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


``(a) Application.--A local educational agency that desires to receive a grant under this part shall submit an application to the State educational agency. Each such application shall contain assurances that each school served by the local educational agency shall be eligible for assistance under this part only once.
``(b) Contents of Application.--Each application described in subsection (a) shall--
``(1) describe how the local educational agency plans to set priorities on the use and distribution among schools of grant funds received under this part to meet the purpose of this part;
``(2) include assurances that the local educational agency has made every effort to match on a dollar-for-dollar basis from private or public sources the funds received under this part, except that no such application shall be penalized or denied assistance under this part based on failure to provide such matching funds;
``(3) describe, if applicable, how funds under this part will be coordinated with State, local, and other Federal resources, especially with respect to programs for the professional development and inservice training of elementary school teachers in science and mathematics; and
``(4) describe the process which will be used to determine different levels of assistance to be awarded to schools with different needs.
``(c) Priority.--In awarding grants under this part, the State educational agency shall give priority to applications that--
``(1) assign highest priority to providing assistance to schools which--
``(A) are most seriously underequipped; or
``(B) serve large numbers or percentages of economically disadvantaged students;
``(2) are attentive to the needs of underrepresented groups in science and mathematics;
``(3) demonstrate how science and mathematics equipment will be part of a comprehensive plan of curriculum planning or implementation and teacher training supporting hands-on laboratory activities; and
``(4) assign priority to providing equipment and materials for students in grades 1 through 6.