Leland Initiative Home PageUSAID Leland Initiative

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Main phone lines per 100 people 9.0
Cost of 3 minute local call (US $) 0.0
Main phone lines in operation (mill.) 3.9
Waiting list for main lines (thous.) 136.6
Telephone faults per 100 main lines 90
Telecom staff per 1,000 main lines 14.1
Source: International Telecommunication Union (1995 data unless indicated otherwise)
[South Africa Map]

Status of the Leland Initiative in South Africa

hndshk.gif (228 bytes) Policy Review (Objective 1): Survey completed.
satdish.gif (267 bytes) Technical Review (Objective 2): Leland will review extension of Internet to underserved areas.
teacher.gif (257 bytes) Internet Applications Review (Objective 3): Survey to be Conducted in 2000.

Related USAID Information

* USAID South Africa 2000 Country Plan
* US Embassy in South Africa
* USAID Regional Telecommunications Restructuring Project South Africa Update
* US Department of Commerce's International Trade 1997 Country Commercial Guide
* US Government-South Africa Bi-National Commission

South Africa ISP and Telecommunications-Related Information

* 1998 TeleCom Africa with Conference details and South Africa links
* Mike Jensen's Map of South African Internet Connectivity
* Mike Jensen's South Africa telecommunications information
* ISP CompuServe/M-Web Interactive
* ISP dY/dX
* ISP Global-One
* ISP iAfrica/UUNet
* ISP Internet Solution
* ISP Netline
* ISP Pix
* ISP SangoNet
* ISP South African Internet Exchange
* South African Internet Society

South Africa Development-Related Information

* Government of South Africa's Official Website
* Women'sNet Program
* HealthNet Program
* Healthlink
* Foundation for Research Development
* SchoolNet
* SADC's South Africa web site with information and links
* Ernst and Young Investment Profile from Mbendi Information Services
* Johannesburg Stock Exchange
* Southern Africa Trade Links
* South African Commercial Information and Links
* South African Chambers of Commerce and Industry
* International Monetary Fund's S. Africa Review
* News about South Africa
* Business Day Journal Online
* Financial Mail Business Journal
* Star and SA Times Newspaper
* Weekly Mail and Guardian Newspaper
* Full text articles from several Independent S. African Newspapers
* Stanford University's South Africa links
* Embassy of South Africa in Washington DC with lots of Information
* South African web searcher, Ananzi (high resolution graphics) (low resolution graphics)
* Map of South Africa

Leland South Africa Contact Information

* USAID/ South Africa
524 Church Street
Sancardia Building
Ninth Floor
Arcadia, Pretoria 0007
South Africa

Tel: (27-12) 323 8869
Fax: (27-12) 313 072


Leland Links

Project Description

Partner Countries

Leland Activity Update

Internet Resource Center
Leland Photo Gallery Biography of Mickey Leland
End-User Applications Business Opportunities
Memorandum of Understanding Internet Gateway Design

"Making the Connection Count: Effective Use of the Internet in Seven Steps"

Leland Initiative Home Page