Leland Initiative Home PageUSAID Leland Initiative

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Main phone lines per 100 people 1.2
Cost of 3 minute local call (US $) (1994) .04
Main phone lines in operation 152,473
Waiting list for main lines 101,933
Telephone faults per 100 main lines 190.0
Telecom staff per 1,000 main lines 33.7
Source: International Telecommunication Union (1995 data unless indicated otherwise)
[Zimbabwe Map]

Status of the Leland Initiative in Zimbabwe

Leland Comments: Leland has completed a Policy and Technical assessments in Zimbabwe. USAID in-country Mission prefers to assist their NGO partners in utilizing the Internet as a Tool for Development. Leland's first activity in Zimbabwe was to provide Internet training for agri-business associations. Additional assistance is presently being reviewed for early 2000.

Related USAID Information

* USAID Zimbabwe 2000 Country Plan
* USAID's Regional Telecommunications Restructuring Project
* USAID Africa Data Dissemination Service
* USAID funded CAMPFIRE Project

Zimbabwe ISP and Telecommunications-Related Information

* ISP AfricaOnline of Zimbabwe
* ISP Data Control/UUNET Internet Africa
* ISP Icon
* ISP Interdata
* ISP PrimeNet
* ISP Samara Systems
* ISP TELCO Internet Services
* ISP Utande
* ISP ZambeziNet
* ISP Zimbabwe Online
* ISP Zimsurf
* ISP ZimWeb
* Email Provider PC Internet
* Mike Jensen's Zimbabwe telecommunications page

Zimbabwe Development-Related Information

* USAID funded CAMPFIRE Project
* Government of Zimbabwe web site
* Zimbabwe Ministry of Health
* Zimbabwe Investment Climate
* Zimbabwe Business Directory
* Zimbabwe Stock Exchange
* Ernst and Young Investment Profile from South African firm Mbendi Information Services
* US Department of Commerce's 1997 International Trade Commercial Guide
* Commercial Farmer's Union
* Zimbabwe Independent Newspaper
* The Zimbabwe Mirror Newspaper Online
* The Zimbabwe Standard Newspaper Online
* The Africa University in Mutare
* SADC Zimbabwe related information and links
* News about Zimbabwe
* Stanford University's Zimbabwe links
* U. of Pennsylvania's Zimbabwe Information Page
* Map of Zimbabwe (234k)

Leland Zimbabwe Contact Information

* USAID/ Zimbabwe
1 Pascoe Avenue
PO Box 6988
Belgravia, Harare
Tel: (263 4) 720 630 or 728 281
Fax: (263 4) 722 418


Leland Links

Project Description

Partner Countries

Leland Activity Update

Internet Resource Center
Leland Photo Gallery Biography of Mickey Leland
End-User Applications Business Opportunities
Memorandum of Understanding Internet Gateway Design

"Making the Connection Count: Effective Use of the Internet in Seven Steps"

Leland Initiative Home Page