Leland Initiative Home PageUSAID Leland Initiative

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Lines per 100 people 1.0
Cost of 3 minute local call (US $) .22
Main phone lines in operation 59,819
Waiting list for main lines 6,172
Telephone faults per 100 main lines 60.0
Telecom staff per 1,000 main lines 41.6
Source: International Telecommunication Union (1995 data unless indicated otherwise)
[Mozambique Map]

Status of the Leland Initiative in Mozambique

hndshk.gif (228 bytes) Policy Review (Objective 1): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed. Speeches by Minister Paulo Muxanga and by USAID Mission Director George Wachtenheim as well as photo from the signing ceremony.
satdish.gif (267 bytes) Technical Review (Objective 2): Ground station installed and operational. Commercial ISPs are connected.
teacher.gif (257 bytes) Internet Applications Review (Objective 3): Survey Completed. For more information, please see an excerpt from the Information and Communications report.

Related USAID Information

* Mozambique MOU Signing CeremonyMemorandum of Understanding signing ceremony
* Speech by USAID Mission Director George Wachtenheim at the signing ceremony
* Speech by Minister Paulo Muxanga at the signing ceremony
* USAID Leland Initiative Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mozambique
* USAID Mozambique Web Site
* USAID Mozambique 2000 Country Plan
* USAID Africa Data Dissemination Service

Mozambique ISP and Telecommunications-Related Information

* PT&T TDM Network Operating Center (NOC)
* PT&T TDM's Announcement of ISP Opportunity
* ISP Internet Solutions
* ISP Sort
* ISP Teledata
* ISP Tropical
* ISP Virtual Connection
* University of Eduardo Mondlane (em Portugues) which offers Internet Services

Mozambique Development-Related Information

* A brief excerpt of Leland's Mozambique Internet Applications Report
* Government of Mozambique Page 214k
* National Statistical Institute
* SADC Mozambique Page with Information and Links
* Ernst and Young Investment Profile from the S. Africa firm Mbendi Information Services
* U. S. Department of Commerce's 1997 International Trade Commercial Guide
* The Panafrican News Agency Mozambique Reports
* Mozambique News Agency (Agencia Informação Moçambique)
* The World Bank's 1994 work with University of Eduardo Mondlane
* HealthNet's Mozambique Program
* Stanford University Mozambique Links
* U. of Pennsylvania's Mozambique Information Page
* Table of Related Mozambican Internet Information
* Map of Mozambique 332k


Leland Mozambique Contact Information

* Enrique Portillo
USAID/ Mozambique
PO Box MS 783
Maputo, Mozambique

Tel: (258 1) 491 822 or 743 651
Fax: (258 1) 492 181
Email: eportillo@usaid.mz


Leland Links

Project Description

Partner Countries

Leland Activity Update

Internet Resource Center
Leland Photo Gallery Biography of Mickey Leland
End-User Applications Business Opportunities
Memorandum of Understanding Internet Gateway Design

"Making the Connection Count: Effective Use of the Internet in Seven Steps"

Leland Initiative Home Page