Leland Initiative Home PageUSAID Leland Initiative

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Lines per 100 people < 1.0
Cost of 3 minute local call (US $) .10
Main phone lines in operation 59,978
Waiting list for main lines 28,349
Telephone faults per 100 main lines 112.0
Telecom staff per 1,000 main lines 38.1
Source: International Telecommunication Union (1995 data unless indicated otherwise)
[Ghana Map]

Status of the Leland Initiative in Ghana

hndshk.gif (228 bytes) Policy Review (Objective 1): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed.
satdish.gif (267 bytes) Technical Review (Objective 2): Survey Completed. As there is a flourishing dynamic private sector market, Leland will assist to extend the availability of full Internet outside Accra. The first pilot to connect the University of Ghana is complete. The second pilot of establishing Community Learning Center's is underway.
teacher.gif (257 bytes) Internet Applications Review (Objective 3): Survey Completed. For more information, please see an excerpt from the first Country Assessment and Implementation Strategy, the executive summary in French, or the follow-up Applications and Training Strategy trip report. There is also a November 1996 School-To-School report and executive summary, the follow-up February 1997 School-To-School report, and the P.I.E. write-up for Ghana. In addition, there are several Decentralization/Community Information Center Reports. February 1998 Decentralization/CIC, the April 1998 Decentralization/CIC, the May 1998 Decentralization/CIC, and the August 1998 Decentralization/CIC reports.
camera.gif (1053 bytes) Leland Ghana Training Photos from the Leland Photo Gallery

Related USAID Information

* USAID Ghana 2000 Country Plan
* USAID Africa Data Dissemination Service

Ghana ISP and Telecommunications-Related Information

* ISP Africa Online
* ISP Internet Ghana and Electromod
* ISP Network Computer Systems
* Ghana Classifieds with Numerous Web Links
* Ghana Chapter of the Internet Society

Ghana Development-Related Information

* Excerpt from the first Leland Country Assessment and Implementation Strategy, the follow-up Applications and Training Strategy trip report, and the Ghana P.I.E. write-up
* Leland's November 1996 School-To-School report and the follow-up February 1997 School-To-School report.
* Leland's Decentralization/ Community Information Center Reports: February 1998, April 1998, May 1998, and August 1998.
* Press Release announcing the launch of the Central Region Decentralization Network
* Ghanaian Central Region Development Commission
* University of Ghana
* Association of African Universities
* HealthNet Program
* Ghanaian Mission to the United Nations
* News about Ghana
* Daily Graphic, Ghaianian Times, and GNA News Brief - Daily newspapers from Ghana
* Ghana Review International magazine
* U. of Pennsylvania's Ghana Information Page
* Map of Ghana (362k)
* Contact information for the Leland Ghana Coordinator

Leland Ghana Contact Information

* Avril G. Kudzi
PO Box 1630
Accra, Ghana
Tel: (233 21) 228 440 or 231 938
Fax: (233 21) 231 937
Email: akudzi@usaid.gov

Contact Information for the Community Learning Centers
Dorothy Gordon
Email: dorothyg@ghana.com


Leland Links

Project Description

Partner Countries

Leland Activity Update

Internet Resource Center
Leland Photo Gallery Biography of Mickey Leland
End-User Applications Business Opportunities
Memorandum of Understanding Internet Gateway Design

"Making the Connection Count: Effective Use of the Internet in Seven Steps"

Leland Initiative Home Page