Leland Initiative Home PageUSAID Leland Initiative

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Lines per 100 people 1.19 (1998)
Cost of 3 minute local call (1993) (US $) .06
Main phone lines in operation 170,000 (1998)
Waiting list for main lines 55,600
Telephone faults per 100 main lines (1992) 80.0
Telecom staff per 1,000 main lines 31.0
Source: International Telecommunication Union (1995 data unless indicated otherwise)
[Cote d'Ivoire Map]

Status of the Leland Initiative in Cote d'Ivoire

hndshk.gif (228 bytes) Policy Review (Objective 1): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signed.
satdish.gif (267 bytes) Technical Review (Objective 2): Equipment installed. Leland node activated 1/15/98. Multiple ISPs are connected to the gateway and are offering a range of quality services.
teacher.gif (257 bytes) Internet Applications Review (Objective 3): Survey completed. Leland user training completed in October, 1998 at the newly established Winrock Training Facility. The trip report and executive summary are available. For more information on Internet Applications used in Cote d'Ivoire by USAID's strategic partners, please see an excerpt of the first Decentralization report and the second Decentralization report from Cote d'Ivoire.
camera.gif (1053 bytes) Leland Cote d'Ivoire Training Photos from the Leland Photo Gallery

Related USAID Information

* USAID West and Central Africa 1998 Regional Plan Run From REDSO/ West Office. This office was closed on September 30th, 1998. Leland's program will remain to be coordinated from the US Embassy.
* US Embassy in Cote d'Ivoire
* USAID Africalink Program's Report
* USAID Africa Data Dissemination Service

Cote d'Ivoire ISP and Telecommunications-Related Information

* ISP Announcement for Cote d'Ivoire Telecom
* National Phone Company Cote d'Ivoire Telecom
* ISP Africa Online
* ISP Globe Access
* ISP Net Afric
* BNETD Conseil National des Autoroutes de l'Information Project

Cote d'Ivoire Development-Related Information

* Excerpts from the first Decentralization report and the second Decentralization report from Cote d'Ivoire.
* SYFED's University Connectivity Project
* News about Cote d'Ivoire
* Newspaper Le Jour
* Newspaper La Voie
* Newspaper La Nouvelle Republique
* US Library of Congress Cote d'Ivoire Page
* U. of Pennsylvania Cote d'Ivoire Page
* Stanford University Cote d'Ivoire Page
* Cote d'Ivoire Map (243k)

Leland Cote d'Ivoire Contact Information

* As the USAID Regional Office in Cote d'Ivoire is closed, questions
regarding the Leland Initiative in Cote d'Ivoire should be directed to
the following email address: leland.initiative@usaid.gov


Leland Links

Project Description

Partner Countries

Leland Activity Update

Internet Resource Center
Leland Photo Gallery Biography of Mickey Leland
End-User Applications Business Opportunities
Memorandum of Understanding Internet Gateway Design

"Making the Connection Count: Effective Use of the Internet in Seven Steps"

Leland Initiative Home Page