A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

From the White House

Dear Friend:

Three years ago, after seeing that our children's reading scores remained flat while other scores rose, I proposed a national literacy campaign to help each child in America learn to read by the end of the third grade. To meet this challenge, I asked for the involvement of every segment of our society and called on the higher education community to lead the way by employing federal work-study students as tutors. With more than 1,100 campuses participating, the response of our colleges and universities has been remarkable; with thousands of children improving their reading skills, the program has been a resounding success.

Equally important to our nation's future is our children's proficiency in mathematics. For, in a world without math, the next generation of computers goes undeveloped, bridges and skyscrapers go unconstructed, the Internet is shut down, and the opportunities of tomorrow are never realized. This summer, to equip our children with the math skills they need to achieve their full potential, my Administration launched a new national mathematics initiative-- the America Counts program. Modeled after America reads, America Counts will utilize volunteer tutors, including federal work-study students, to help our children master the fundamentals of mathematics.

I renew my challenge to our colleges and universities to join with us in this crucial endeavor, and I ask every campus to commit to helping America's elementary and middle school students to improve their math abilities. To learn more about America Counts and to see how your campus can become involved, please visit the America Counts website at: www.ed.gov/americacounts/.

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to academic excellence. Working together, we can create a brighter future for America's children.


Bill Clinton

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