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An Introduction

To be prepared for college and promising careers, students need to master advanced skills in mathematics. Yet, far too many students finish high school without mastering the challenging mathematics necessary for success in higher education and in our competitive knowledge-based economy. While U.S. fourth graders perform above the international average--as our students successfully acquire basic computation skills--mathematical performance begins to decline in the middle grades, and U.S. students perform significantly below the international average by the end of secondary school.

Mathematics also teaches ways of thinking that apply in every work place and are essential for informed civic participation. For example, an entry-level automobile worker needs to be able to apply physics formulas to properly wire the electrical circuits for today's cars, or a custodian working for a bio-technology company needs a strong math and science knowledge base to properly contain a chemical spill. Moreover, citizens need strong math skills to read a daily newspaper, pay taxes, invest for the future, or participate in town or school-board meetings in which critical budget decisions are being made.

Under the leadership of Secretary Richard W. Riley, mathematics has long been a special focus of the U.S. Department fo Education. Recognizing the importance of helping our nation's students achieve to high levels, he made mathematics one of the administration's seven priorities. Additionally, in 1997 President Clinton issued a Presidential Directive to the Department and the National Science Foundation to work together to devise an action strategy for using Federal resources in support of improving student performance. The result of this joint effort was the creation of America Counts--a multifaceted Federal initiative that focuses on six strategic areas described in the America Counts Overview.

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Last Updated -- September 26, 2000 (mhm)