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Site Risk
Cleanup Progress
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National Priorities List (NPL) History

Proposed Date

Final Date

Superfund Program

Hill Air Force Base

Hill Air Force Base site map
Click here for an interactive map
Site Type: Final NPL
City: Hill Air Force Base
County: Davis, Weber
Zip Code: 84056
EPA ID#: UT0571724350
Site ID#: 0801644
Site Aliases: Hill AFB
Congressional District(s): 01

Site Description

Hill Air Force Base has been active since the early 1940s. It is located in northern Utah, about 30 miles north of Salt Lake City. Covering 6,670 acres, the Base lies in two counties, on a plateau roughly 300 feet above the valley floor. The Base is surrounded by the communities of South Weber, Riverdale, Sunset, Clearfield, Clinton, Roy and Layton. Adjacent land use is residential and mixed agricultural, commercial and residential.

The Base also administers environmental activities at the Utah Test and Training Range and Little Mountain Test Annex facilities.

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Site Risk

The processes used in maintaining Air Force equipment and supporting flight-training missions produced a variety of wastes. Hill AFB began investigating releases in 1976, when a nearby resident reported an orange discharge from a spring on his property near the Base boundary.

The most common contaminants that present health risks, including the risk of cancer, are chlorinated solvents, such as trichloroethene (TCE), trichloroethane (TCA), dichloroethane (DCA), dichloroethene (DCE) and tetrachlorethene (PCE). Metals that need to be addressed, including chromium, cadmium, manganese, and arsenic, are mostly on the Base.

The Air Force, Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are cooperatively investigating and cleaning up this contamination. EPA placed the AFB on the Superfund National Priorities List on July 22, 1987.

Areas used for past waste disposal are located along the outer edges of the AFB. These include landfills, disposal pits and spill areas. The topography of the land causes shallow ground water to run off site. As a result, at least six contaminant plumes have been identified in the surrounding, low-lying communities.

The main potential risks to human health are from contaminated ground water flowing off the Base and from solvent vapors in basements. Off-Base groundwater problems are being addressed, and vapor problems in homes are being monitored as needed to ensure the well-being of area residents. Alternative water supplies have been provided to ensure that residents are not using the ground water. Municipal water supplies have not been affected by any contamination.

Media Affected Contaminants Source of Contamination
Air, soil, ground water Trichloroethene, trichloroethane, dichloroethane, dichloroehthene, tetrachlorethene, chorimium, cadmium, manganese, arsenic Processes used in maintaining Air Force equipment

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Cleanup Progress

Investigations and cleanups are progressing at a fast pace. The Hill AFB site was divided into nine operable units (OUs). Three more OUs have recently been added, for a total of 12. Each OU contains sites that are found in the same general area or have similar environmental problems.

Hill AFB has completed final Records of Decision (RODs) on six OUs.

Studies have been conducted at the AFB for many innovative technologies that offer promise in cleaning up soil and groundwater contamination. Most of the studies are in conjunction with nationally known universities. As some are the first small field-scale tests, the results are of national interest.

Innovative studies, done on behalf of the Base by Utah State University, found traces of TCE in some fruit from trees grown on private land in or near OU5. The traces, found near groundwater contamination in Sunset and Clinton, are well below any risk to human health.

In February 2007, PCB's were detected in certain areas of base housing in Upper Area F. In March 2007, results of 352 soil samples, both surface and subsurface, identified just four areas with detections above 1 ppm. A summary report of the investigation will be issued in June 2007. A cleanup work plan will be developed by Hill AFB and reviewed by EPA and the Utah Dept. of Environmental Quality in mid-2007. Cleanup of PCBs will be conducted in fall 2007 or spring 2008.

Hill AFB's next Five-year Review is expected to begin in late summer 2007.

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Community Involvement

A group of community members has received a Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) from EPA to hire an independent technical advisor to review issues related to the cleanup. Restoration Advisory Board meetings, held quarterly, are open to the public.

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Site Documents

About PDF files

Five-Year Review, Annual Update September 2006 (PDF, 42K, 4 pp)

Five-Year Review, September 15, 2003 (14 MB PDF file, 500 pp) VERY LARGE FILE!

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Sandra Bourgeois
Remedial Project Manager
U.S. EPA Region 8 (EPR-F)
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202-1129
(303) 312-6666 or
1-800-227-8917 x6666 (Reg. 8 only)
Email: bourgeois.sandra@epa.gov

John Dalton
Community Involvement Coord.
U.S. EPA Region 8 (8OC)
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202-1129
(303) 312-6633 or
1-800-227-8917 x6633 (Reg. 8 only)
Email: dalton.john@epa.gov


Muhammad Slam
Project Manager
168 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
(801) 536-4172
Email: mslam@utah.gov

Dave Allison
Community Involvement Specialist
168 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
(801) 536-4479
Email: dallison@utah.gov

US Air Force

Bob Elliott
Restoration Division Chief
U.S. Air Force
7274 Wardleigh Road
Hill AFB, Utah 84056-5137
Email: bob.elliott@hill.af.mil

Barbara Fisher
Chief of Environmental Public Affairs
U.S. Air Force
7274 Wardleigh Road
Hill AFB, Utah 84056
(801) 775-3652
Email: barbara.fisher2@hill.af.mil

Neighborhood Group

Technical Assistance Grant
South Weber Landfill Coalition
Brent Poll, President
7605 South 1375 East
South Weber, UT 84405

View Documents at:

Stewart Library
Weber State University
2901 University Circle
Ogden, Utah 84408-2901

Environmental Management Directorate
OO-ALC/EMR - Building 5
7274 Wardleigh Road
Hill AFB, UT 84056-5137


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