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Information on SAFETEA-LU Section 1927

14th Amendment Highway Corridor and 3rd Infantry Division Highway Corridor (a.k.a. "I-14" and "I-3")

Interstate Designation Procedures

As noted above neither highway has been designated as a future interstate. However, the statutory language in Section 1927 refers at one point to "...steps and estimated funding necessary to designate and construct". Although the word "Interstate" does not occur in this Section 1927 language, Section 1702 does, in five of the six relevant line items, refer to designation of a new Interstate highway.

The steps necessary to designate an Interstate are as follows:

A highway may be added to the Interstate System under 23 U.S.C. 103(c)(4)(A) if it has been built to Interstate standards, is a logical addition, and has been requested by the State transportation agency(ies) in which it is located. The State request is submitted to the FHWA Division Office, after coordination with local officials, for review and transmittal for the approval of the Federal Highway Administrator.

Implementing regulations for System designation are at 23 CFR 470 and for Interstate standards at 23 CFR 625. A website which discusses the rules for designation is at:

A website which discusses the rules for design standards is at:

Should the State(s) wish an advance approval of general acceptability of a highway corridor, it may request approval of designation as a future part of the Interstate System under 23 U.S.C. 103(c)(4)(B). The highway should be finished with the environmental process, have location and preliminary design settled, and have assurances that the construction can be completed within 25 years. The State and FHWA enter an agreement whereby the route will be added to the System when the highway is completed to Interstate standards.

A website which explains this process in detail is at:

A number of future parts of the Interstate System have been designated by Congress. These are selected High Priority NHS corridors named in Section 1105(c) of ISTEA 1991 that were included by amendment in Section 1105(e)(5).

A website listing all high priority corridors is at:

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