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Stratigraphy of Mesa Verde National Park

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Canyonlands National Park stratigraphy
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Cliffhouse at Mesa Verde National Park Click here to take an image tour of Mesa Verde National Park (both 3D and standard photography).

To learn more about Mesa Verde National Park check out the National Park Service website at:

Generalized stratigraphy after Griffitts, M.L., 1990, Guidebook to the Geology of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado: Mesa Verde Museum Association, Mesa Verde National Park.

Stratigraphic unit information is modified from the USGS GeoLex (Lexicon of Geology):

A generalized geologic time scale is available at: Your first click to the U.S. Government
Quaternary deposits Mesaverde Group Cliff House Sandstone Barker Dome Tongue Cliff House Sandstone Menefee Formation Point Lookout Sandstone Mancos Shale