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Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter - Coastal Science and Research News from Across the USGS
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"Coastal Summit... Reaching to the Future"

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U.S. Geological Survey Director Chip Groat spoke to business, industry and government leaders, scientists and others concerned with coastal wetland loss in Louisiana on August 15th at the 2001 Coastal Summit, held in Baton Rouge. The Governor's Office of Coastal Activities sponsored the event, which was attended by Louisiana Governor Mike Foster. Ideas generated from this meeting will be compiled and forwarded to Governor Foster with recommendations for implementation. USGS scientists and outreach staff from the National Wetlands Research Center participated in the meeting.

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in this issue: Fieldwork cover story:
Moloka'i Coral Reef Monitoring

North Carolina Cruises

California Offshore Oil Seeps

Research Training FWS in Geologic Processes of Coastal Ecosystems

MRIB to Host Digital Library of Gulf of Maine

Meetings Coastal Summit

Coastal Issues at GSA

Dust Transport

Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science

Awards Geographical Honor Society—Larry Handley

Staff & Center News Quenton Smith-Costello: SEPAC

NWRC Seminars

Publications September Publications List U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)