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Coastal Zone 2001—An International Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management

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John Haines and Peter Barnes attended Coastal Zone 2001, the 12th biennial international symposium on coastal and ocean management. Held this year in Cleveland, Ohio, the conference drew many participants from the Great Lakes area, as well as from elsewhere in the United States and Canada and countries all over the world.

The theme of the conference, which ran from July 15th-19th, was "Hands Across the Water—Linking Land, Lake, and Sea." Sessions and field trips highlighted successful partnerships and lessons learned by coastal managers around the world.

The USGS Bureau Exhibits Team had a large booth at the conference highlighting CMGP and other coastal activities within the Survey. Sessions on coastal erosion, habitat mapping, bluff stability, coastal assessment, coastal dynamics, coastal hazards, and information systems were geared toward providing information to coastal managers and included much discussion of policy issues.

USGS researchers from the Great Lakes Science Center, National Wetlands Research Center, and the Leetown Science Center gave presentations on coastal wetlands and fish habitats, contaminants, and wetland restoration. Future Coastal Zone conferences would be an excellent forum for presenting CMGP syntheses and for highlighting applications of CMGP science results.

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Coastal Zone 2001

ESRI Conference

African Dust Briefing for DoD

Awards Hazardous Waste Work

Staff & Center News Capt. Roy Gaensslen

Publications Monterey Bay Sanctuary

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)