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Great Lakes Meeting and Field Work

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photograph of beach on Lake Michigan
Beach on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan in Barrien County, MI. Sand is sparse, owing to a harbor jetty to the north (not visible). The sparse sand overlies glacial till deposits, which are exposed offshore and in the bluff behind the beach. A long wooden staircase (first of many flights is shown at far right) provides access to the beach from the top of the bluff. Riprap and a seawall have been installed to protect shoreline properties from erosion.
On July 10th and 11th, Peter Barnes and seven other USGS staff members attended a planning workshop in Ann Arbor, MI, funded by the Eastern Region Venture Capital Fund for integrated USGS work in the Great Lakes. The workshop participants are outlining a project that will integrate the skills and interests of four disciplines (geology, biology, mapping, water) and produce useful products on nearshore habitat and water quality, not as easy a task as they had thought. Stay tuned for further developments.

After the Ann Arbor meeting, NAGT (National Association of Geoscience Teachers) intern Kevin Mininger and Peter Barnes conducted brief fieldwork along the southeastern coast of Lake Michigan in Barrien County, MI. They assessed distribution of sand and glacial-till deposits at the shoreline in an effort to link onshore geology with offshore geology mapped by Dave Foster (Woods Hole Field Center) in the early 1990s. During four days of exceptional, California-like weather, they climbed up and down many long staircases to measure the thickness and extent of beach-sand units, and to answer questions as to why they were not in bathing suits like everyone else.

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African Dust Briefing for DoD

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Staff & Center News Capt. Roy Gaensslen

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)