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St. Pete Hosts Workshop on Coordination and Integration of Tampa Bay Pilot Study

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For a recent summary of the U.S. Geological Survey research in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay by Mike Bothner and Brad Butman (WHFC), please visit the new Web site! The site includes an introduction, description and some major results of this long-term, highly visible Coastal and Marine project!
The emphasis was on integrating and coordinating current activities in the bay with USGS capabilities and plans, and establishing a data and information system for all participants conducting studies in the bay. Non-USGS participants made eight presentations on major study programs. Discussion with representatives of other agencies involved in research or having data needs broadened understanding of the range of activities and interest in the bay. Scientists from all major disciplines in the USGS presented the capabilities they had to offer and the two groups met in breakout sessions to discuss how best to implement integration and coordination. Salient conclusions of the meeting include the following points.

  • A demonstration project will be initiated for this fiscal year consisting of small-scale integrated science studies, the results of which will be incorporated in a data and information bank and displayed on maps by the middle of July.

  • Sea grass and wetlands are sensitive measures of bay health and will be the focus of study in much of the bay.

  • Groundwater flow and surface runoff are major factors controlling bay ecology and are considered vital components of the Tampa Bay Project.

  • Wetlands surrounding much of the bay are major habitats for a variety of fauna including commercial fish. An integrated study of the physical, chemical, geological, and biological components and processes of the wetlands in present, historical, and pre-historical times will be an important focus.

  • Database and information systems, GIS facilities, and a Web site are key to the important outreach component of the project.

  • Teams of scientists from the USGS and local groups are rapidly being organized for intense data collection during the cool season in an effort to meet the stringent July 15th deadline. A white paper is currently in production.

Related Web Sites
Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)