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Innovative Finance

Legend for Appendices

Innovative financing tools and related concepts are abbreviated as follows:

1044........... ISTEA Section 1044 toll investment credits, expanded interpretation
129............. Title 23, U.S.C. Section 129 loan
129/RLF.... Title 23, U.S.C. Section 129 capitalization of revolving loan or related fund
AC............. Post-ISTEA advance construction
Bond.......... Reimbursement of bond financing costs
Inc gen....... Income generation
FM............. Flexible match
PCAC........ Partial conversion of advance construction
PF.............. Phased funding
PPP............ Public-private partnership
RLF........... Revolving loan fund
STP............ STP Simplification
Tap............. Tapered match


Headings in Appendix 3 indicate the following funding sources:

Local 1....... Local government contributions that would have been available without participation in TE-045.
Local 2....... Local government contributions that are wholly attributable to participation in TE-045.
Private 1.... Private sector contributions that would have been available without participation in TE-045.
Private 2.... Private sector contributions that are wholly attributable to participation in TE-045.
Toll 1......... Toll authority and related agency contributions that would have been available without participation in TE-045.
Toll 2......... Toll authority and related agency contributions that are wholly attributable to participation in TE-045.


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an evaluation of the te-045 innovative finnance research initiative
prepared for the u.s. federal highway administration


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