PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/09/2008 07:41 PM

Rule Section: §192.939(b)

Pipelines Operating Below 30% SMYS.

Rule Hierarchy:

Rule Language:

An operator must establish a reassessment interval for each covered segment operating below 30% SMYS in accordance with the requirements of this section. The maximum reassessment interval by an allowable reassessment method is seven years. An operator must establish reassessment by at least one of the following -
(1) Reassessment by pressure test, internal inspection or other equivalent technology following the requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this section except that the stress level referenced in(a)(1) (ii) would be adjusted to reflect the lower operating stress level. If an established interval is more than seven years, the operator must conduct by the seventh year of the interval either a confirmatory direct assessment in accordance with §192.931, or a low stress reassessment in accordance with §192.941.
(2) Reassessment by ECDA following the requirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(3) Reassessment by ICDA or SCCDA following the requirements in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(4) Reassessment by confirmatory direct assessment at 7-year intervals in accordance with §192.931, with reassessment by one of the methods listed in (b)(1)-(b)(3) of this section by year 20 of the interval.

(5) Reassessment by the low stress assessment method at 7-year intervals in accordance with §192.941 with reassessment by one of the methods listed in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section by year 20 of the interval.

The following table sets forth the maximum reassessment intervals. Also refer to Appendix E.II for guidance on Assessment Methods and Assessment Schedule for Transmission Pipelines Operating Below 30% SMYS. In case of conflict between the rule and the guidance in the Appendix, the requirements of the rule control. An operator must comply with the following requirements in establishing a reassessment interval for a covered segment:


Maximum Reassessment Interval

Assessment Method

Pipeline operating at or above 50% SMYS
Pipeline operating at or above 30% SMYS, up to 50% SMYS
Pipeline operating below 30% SMYS
Internal Inspection Tool, Pressure Test or Direct assessment 10 years() 15 years() 20 years(**)
Confirmatory Direct Assessment 7 years 7 years 7 years

Low stress reassessment not applicable not applicable 7 years + ongoing actions specified in §192.941

(*) A Confirmatory direct assessment as described in §192.931 must be conducted by year 7 in a 10-year interval and years 7 and 14 of a 15-year interval.
(**) A low stress reassessment or Confirmatory direct assessment must be conducted by years 7 and 14 of the interval.

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