PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/09/2008 07:51 PM

Topic: Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA)

Topic Hierarchy:

Topical Index
 » Assessment
   » Assessment Methods
     » Direct Assessment (DA) Methods
       » Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA)

Related Rule Sections:

Related Protocol Questions:

D.06 Dry Gas ICDA Programmatic Requirements

If the operator elects to use ICDA, verify that the operator develops and implements an ICDA plan in accordance with §192.927.

D.07 Dry Gas ICDA Pre-Assessment, Region Identification and Use of Model

For dry gas systems, verify that the operator gathers, integrates and analyzes data and information to accomplish pre-assessment objectives and identify ICDA Regions. [§192.927(c)(1), §192.927(c)(2), ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 6.4.2, ASME B31.8S-2004, Appendix A2 and ASME B31.8S-2004, Appendix B2]

D.08 Dry Gas ICDA Direct Examination

For dry gas systems, verify that the operator (1) identifies locations where internal corrosion is most likely in each ICDA region and (2) performs direct examinations of those locations. [§192.927(b), 192.927(c)(3), ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 6.4 and ASME B31.8S-2004, Appendix B2]

D.09 Dry Gas ICDA Post-Assessment

For dry gas systems, verify that the operator performs post-assessment evaluation of ICDA effectiveness and continued monitoring of covered segments where internal corrosion has been identified. [§192.927(c)(4)]

D.10 Wet Gas ICDA Programmatic Requirements

If the operator elects to use ICDA to assess a covered segment operating with electrolyte present in the gas stream (wet gas), verify that the operator develops and implements an ICDA plan in accordance with §192.927 which addresses the following. [§192.927(b)]

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