PHMSA Gas Integrity Management
Time: 11/09/2008 07:58 PM

Rule Section: §192.927(c)(2)

ICDA region identification.

Rule Hierarchy:

Rule Language:

An operator's plan must identify where all ICDA Regions are located in the transmission system, in which covered segments are located. An ICDA Region extends from the location where liquid may first enter the pipeline and encompasses the entire area along the pipeline where internal corrosion may occur and where further evaluation is needed. An ICDA Region may encompass one or more covered segments. In the identification process, an operator must use the model in GRI 02-0057, "Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of Gas Transmission Pipelines - Methodology." An operator may use another model if the operator demonstrates it is equivalent to the one shown in GRI 02-0057. A model must consider changes in pipe diameter, locations where gas enters a line (potential to introduce liquid) and locations down stream of gas draw-offs (where gas velocity is reduced ) to define the critical pipe angle of inclination above which water film cannot be transported by the gas.

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