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What's New in the Synergy Resource Center

November 2008

The Synergy HIV/AIDS Online Resource Center contains 3,966 searchable online documents relevant to HIV/AIDS project management, research, and reproductive health issues.

Please click on the links, where available, to view the latest additions to the Synergy Resource Center.
For questions or inquiries, please email: SynergyInfo@s-3.com.

A Guide for Conducting Research on the Formulation of Sexual and Health-related Behaviour Among Young Men: Training Guidelines, Resources, Study Guides, and Informed Consent Forms ,  The CATALYST Consortium,  2005

Achieving an HIV-Free Generation: Recommendations for a New American HIV Strategy ,  Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS,  2006

AIDS at 25: An Overview of Major Trends in the U.S. Epidemic ,  Kaiser Family Foundation,  2006

An Annotated Guide to Technical Resources for Community Involvement in Youth Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention Programs ,  Family Health International,  2006

An In-Depth Analysis of HIV Prevalence in Ghana ,  ORC/MACRO,  2005

Behind the Pleasure: Sexual Decision-Making Among High-Risk Men in Urban Vietnam ,  Family Health International,  2006

Burkina Faso: Evaluation of the Logistics System for Antiretroviral Drugs ,  John Snow, Inc.,  2006

Conducting a Participatory Situation Analysis of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Affected by HIV/AIDS: Guidelines and Tools (Francais) ,  Family Health International, Arlington, VA, U.S.A.,  2006

Contraception for Women and Couples with HIV ,  Family Health International, Institute for Family Health,,  2005

Deadly inertia a cross-country study of educational responses to HIV/AIDS ,  Global Campaign for Education,  2005

Delivering Antiretroviral Therapy in Resource-Constrained Settings: Lessons from Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda ,  Family Health International,  2005

Developing Materials on HIV/AIDS/STIs for Low-Literate Audiences ,  FHI/IMPACT, Arlington, VA,  2002

Does Being Treated with HAART Affect the Sexual Risk Behavior of People Living with HIV/AIDS? ,  Pop Council/Horizons,  1900

Education Sector Global HIV & AIDS Readiness Survey 2004 ,  UNESCO,  2006

Engaging Communities in Youth Reproductive Health and HIV Projects: A Guide to Participatory Assessments ,  Family Health International,  2006

Engaging Local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the Response to HIV/AIDS ,  Pact, Inc.,  1900

Establishing Referral Networks for Comprehensive HIV Care in Low-Resource Settings ,  Family Health International,  2005

Feasibility of an Insurance Program for HIV/AIDS Financing in Uganda ,  Abt Associates Inc.,  2005

Final Report on the 2004 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) ,  2005

Ghana START Process Evaluation Report ,  Family Health International,  2006

Global Fund ARV Fact Sheet 1st December, 2005 ,  Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria,  2005

Guide to Using the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to Support Health Systems Strengthening in Round 6 ,  Physicians for Human Rights,  2006

Guidelines for Effective Use of Data from HIV Surveillance Systems ,  Family Health International,  2006

HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment: A Clinical Course for People Caring for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS ,  FHI/IMPACT,  2004

HIV/AIDS in the fisheries sector in Africa ,  WorldFish Center,  2005

Horizons Report, December 2005 ,  Population Council/USAID,  1900

In Their Own Words: The Formulation of Sexual and Health-related Behaviour Among Young Men in Bangladesh ,  CATALYST Consortium,  2005

Inception Report: Interim Evaluation of Taking Action: The UK Government’s Strategy for Tackling HIV and AIDS in the Developing World ,  Social and Scientific Systems, Inc.,  2006

Integrating TB and HIV Care in Mozambique : Lessons from an HIV Clinic in Beira ,  2005

Integrating TB and HIV Care in Mozambique: Lessons from and HIV Clinic in Beira ,  Health Alliance International,  2005

Interim Evaluation of ‘Taking Action: The UK Government’s Strategy for Tackling HIV and AIDS in the Developing World’: An Analysis of Trends in funding and activities ,  Social and Scientific Systems, Inc.,  2006

International Assistance for HIV/AIDS in the Developing World: Taking Stock of the G8, Other Donor Governments, and the European Commission ,  Kaiser Family Foundation,  2006

Kenya HIV/AIDS Service Provision Assessment Survey 2004 ,  ORC Macro,  2005

Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures for Antiretroviral Treatment Program in Rwanda ,  Management Sciences for Health,  1900

Mapping of Community Home-Based Care Services in Five Regions of the Tanzania Mainland ,  Pathfinder International,  2006

Nepal: Support for HIV/AIDS Commodity Security ,  John Snow, Inc.,  2006


Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya: Pathfinder International’s Experience: 2002-2005 ,  Pathfinder International,  2005

Priorities in Health ,  The World Bank,  2006

Proceedings of the International Workshop Responding to HIV and AIDS in the Fishery Sector in Africa ,  WorldFish Center, IOM, FAO, SIDA,  2006

Promoting more Gender-Equitable Norms and Behaviors among Young Men as an HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategy ,  The Population Council,  2006

Protecting People on the Move: Applying Lessons Learned in Asia to Improve HIV/AIDS Interventions for Mobile People ,  Family Health International,  2006

Reducing the Transmission of HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections in a Mining Community ,  The Population Council,  2005

Responding to HIV and AIDS in the Fishery Sector in Africa ,  World Fish Center,  2006

Soins et Traitement du VIH/SIDA ,  Family Health International,  2004

STIs common in Uganda: Final Report on the 2004-05 Uganda HIV/AIDS Sero-Behavioural Survey ,  ORC Macro,  2006

Strengthening STI Treatment and HIV Prevention Services in Carletonville, South Africa ,  Population Council/Horizons,  2004

Teachers' Exercise Book for HIV Prevention ,  Education International, World Health Organisation, Education Development Center, Inc.,  2004

The Baltic Sea Regional HIV/AIDS Initiative: Case Studies from St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad ,  Family Health International,  2006

The Role of Libraries in HIV/AIDS Information Dissemination in Sub-Saharan Africa ,  NCLIS,  2005

The Stall in Mortality Decline in Ghana ,  2005

The Value of Beneficiary Analyses: Who Benefits from Funds Targeted for HIV/AIDS? ,  Abt Associates Inc.,  2006

Understanding the HIV/STI Risks and Prevention Needs of Men Who ,  The Population Council,  1900

Understanding the HIV/STI Risks and Prevention Needs of Men Who Have Sex With Men in Nairobi, Kenya ,  2005

Vietnam Population and AIDS Indicator Survey 2005 ,  ORC Macro,  2006

Women Lead in the Fight Against AIDS ,  Center for Development and Population Assistance,  2006

Workplace HIV/AIDS Programs: An Action Guide for Managers ,  Family Health International,  2004

Zimbabwe HIV & AIDS Logistics System Assessment ,  John Snow, Inc./DELIVER,  2006

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