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USGS Employees in Florida Recognized for Contributions over Many Years of Service

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Carolyn Price and Jess Weaver
Above: Carolyn Price (left) receives a 40-Year Service Award from USGS Eastern Regional Executive Jess Weaver. [larger version]

William Loftus and Jess Weaver
Above: William Loftus (left) receives a 30-Year Service Award from USGS Eastern Regional Executive Jess Weaver. [larger version]

Jess Weaver, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Southeastern Regional Executive, presented milestone service awards to Carolyn Price, Supervisory Hydrologic Technician (40-Year Service Award), and William Loftus, Research Ecologist (30-Year Service Award), during an awards ceremony on September 5, 2007, at the USGS Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC) office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The award citations highlight the achievements of the honored employees:

Carolyn Price is recognized for her commitment to scientific excellence and is considered by many as the backbone of the Data Section. As the principal Supervisory Hydrologic Technician, Carolyn leads with a strong work ethic and an indepth institutional understanding of our data programs and products. Carolyn is an important reason why the data program in South Florida is a consistent and reliable scientific component of the USGS Florida Integrated Science Center's Fort Lauderdale office. Carolyn is a quiet but competent caretaker of a data program that is the envy of local agencies. She plays a significant role in this office with respect to computation and review of surface-water flows and annual-velocity indices that are especially difficult to perform in a low-flow hydrologic environment. Methods used to compute these low flows in South Florida have changed considerably during her career, from the use of deflection vanes to electromagnetic to hydroacoustic methods. Carolyn continues directing the publication of the annual databook for this office and served as the administrator of the Automated Data Processing System (ADAPS). During this past year, her colleagues have unquestionably recognized Carolyn as Fort Lauderdale's de facto Data Chief. Without her comprehensive understanding of USGS hydrologic databases and her technical, computational, editorial guidance, patient mentoring, and evenhanded supervision, this office could not have sustained its reputation for data excellence.

Dr. William Loftus is recognized for 30 years of service with the Department of the Interior, spanning several bureaus within DOI, including the National Park Service, the National Biological Survey, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Most of Dr. Loftus' scientific career has centered on research into the ecology of freshwater communities in the Florida Everglades. His scientific contributions and accomplishments are extensive and include the development of a long-term program for Everglades fishes and invertebrates, experimental investigations using mesocosms [large tanks that allow researchers to control variables] to resolve predator/prey and native/nonnative fish interactions, development of methods for field studies, and assessment of the use of subterranean aquatic habitats as dry-season wetland refuges. Bill has served as the program manager for Everglades freshwater ecology studies and has worked tirelessly to improve understanding of the aquatic-community dynamics caused by hydrologic variations, landscape changes, and natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Bill's important contributions to ecologic understanding of the Everglades include research into the invasive Asian swamp eel and other nonnative fishes, as well as examination of potential mitigation methods. Additionally, he has performed mercury and food-web research to investigate mercury bioaccumulation in freshwater animals. Dr. Loftus has served as a mentor and advisor to university graduate students and continues to train future ecologists.

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Distinguishing Tsunami from Storm Deposits

Sea-Floor Mapping in the Gulf of Mexico

Mapping the Sea Floor Southwest of Santa Rosa Island

Outreach Microbial Week on the Deep-Sea News Blog

Awards USGS Employees Recognized for Contributions Over Many Years of Service

Staff Coring Demonstration Aboard the R/V G.K. Gilbert


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Updated November 01, 2007 @ 10:55 AM (JSS)