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Authors Receive Two Awards at Recent ESRI 2000 Conference

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We thank Patrick Muffler, Regional Geologist, Western Region, for bringing the following to our attention regarding USGS participation in ESRI 2000 (see Related Story). Numerous USGS researchers from the Western Region attended the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) User's Conference held in San Diego in June. It is to the USGS's credit that David Ramsey, Joel Robinson, Robert Christiansen, James Smith, and Richard Blakely received two awards for their presentation on "Digital Shasta: Applying GIS Technology to Volcano Hazards." The awards were for Best Overall Map Gallery Presentation and for Best Analytical Presentation. Congratulations to the authors for a superior job!

Related Sound Waves Stories
USGS Involved in World's Largest GIS Conference
August, 2000

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in this issue: Fieldwork Delmarva Coastal Bays—Hoverprobe

Outreach cover story:
St. Pete Open House

Cub Scouts

JC Students Visit St. Pete

Teachers Learn About Rocks

Chesapeake Bay—Dartmouth College

Meetings Seafloor Mapping

Leadership in Scientific Research

British Antarctic Survey

Awards FWS, USGS Honored for Restoring Refuge

Student Achievement Awards

ECO Photo Contest

ESRI 2000 Conference

Staff & Center News Expert Witnesses at Environmental Trial

Two Long-Time Geologists Retire

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)