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Science and Fiction—Sarah Andrews, Author of Killer Dust, Discusses Her Latest Mystery Novel

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Sarah Andrews, mystery writer, college teacher, and former U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) employee, gave a talk about her latest novel, Killer Dust, to the Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) at the USGS Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies in St. Petersburg, FL, on February 28. Sarah's novel is based on the research of USGS scientist Gene Shinn and his interest in the effects of African dust on marine and human ecosystems.

Sarah Andrews
Sarah Andrews speaks to members of the Association of Women Geoscientists on her career as a mystery novelist. Pictured is the cover from Tensleep, her first mystery.
Gene Shinn
Gene Shinn, playing his character Miles Guffey (resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental), discusses colleagues in the book and his "helping" Sarah write Killer Dust.

Although many characters and localities may be recognizable to some readers, the book is a work of fiction—but not science fiction, as Sarah points out—and is only a reflection of the real world. Killer Dust is Sarah's eighth novel featuring series heroine and forensic geologist Em Hansen as she solves murders that highlight Earth-science issues. Sarah gave a wide-ranging talk on her career, how Earth scientists think, and how she chooses a plot topic. The AWG audience was thrilled and stayed around for a spirited question-and-answer session and book signing.

Related Sound Waves Stories
Radio Interview Explores African Dust, Human Health, and Mystery Novels
March 2002

Related Web Sites
Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg, FL
Association of Women Geoscientists
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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)