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Staff & Center News

Bill Schwab is New Team Chief Scientist at Woods Hole Field Center

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Dave Russ (USGS Eastern Regional Geologist) announced in May that Bill Schwab has been selected as the new team chief scientist for the Coastal and Marine Geology Program's Woods Hole Field Center (WHFC). Bill will be replacing Debbie Hutchinson, who has rotated out of the position after nearly 6 years of service. In the interim, there will be several acting team chief scientists. Jeff Williams handled this responsibility for the month of April. Uri ten Brink served during May, and Mike Bothner will serve during June. Marinna Martini will then take on the position until Bill formally takes over by July 15.

In his announcement, Dave Russ emphasized Bill's background as a geophysicist with a research focus on understanding sedimentary processes in coastal and marine environments, ultimately leading to a predictive capability for sediment transport, deposition, shoreline change, and sea-floor stability. He noted Bill's service on various committees, as well as his leadership role in several important USGS research projects. Since 1988, Bill has led the WHFC Sea-Floor Mapping Group, described by Dave as being "at the forefront nationally of high-resolution marine-mapping technology and applications."

Dave also thanked Debbie for her service. "Debbie's vision and leadership, not just for the scientific program at Woods Hole, but for the larger Coastal and Marine Geology Program, are primary reasons for the productivity and outstanding national reputation that the program currently enjoys," he wrote. Debbie welcomes the transfer back into science. She will be heading several projects, including Gas Hydrates, the National Knowledge Bank, and the Law of the Sea.

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)