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Training & Resources

TSIS Strategic Planning Workshops

NHTSA is offering Regional Strategic Planning Training Workshops to better inform the States of the Section 408 requirements, in hopes of maximizing the number of qualifying states with good strategic plans.

These workshops will likely form into the following versions: 

  • Regional or bi-regional training workshops, designed to make sure NHTSA Region staff understands 408.  We will work with Region staff to put together a state-by-state action plan for 408 monitoring and support, will work with the Region staff to establish which states need and would be receptive to state-specific workshops to help them get their Plans off the ground.

After the Region training is completed, state-specific workshops will be offered such as:

  • If a state received 2006 funding, ensuring that the state has viable, measurable performance measures and procedures in place to help them demonstrate progress ultimately qualify for subsequent year grants
  • If a state applied for 2006 funding and was rejected, how to plan better for 2007
  • If a state did not apply for 2006 funding, how to get strategic planning started

Please see the TSIS workshops website at http://www.nhtsa-tsis.net/workshops to schedule a meeting for your state, view workshop training materials, view the workshop schedule, and request a workshop.


NHTSA Traffic Records Training
Traffic Records 101 course work provides basic information for professional development in traffic records, and can serve as excellent study aids for anyone interested in becoming ATSIP certified.  Topics will cover an overview of Traffic Safety Information Systems (TSIS), including crash, citation/adjudication, driver, and vehicle components.  Course work may be found under:  http://www.trafficrecords101.net


The following organizations have training materials or modules:

American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators - AAMVA
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
The International Association of Chiefs of Police
2004 NHTSA Traffic Safety Materials Catalogue


CODES logo   CODES - Crash Outcome Data Evaluation Systems
Crashes can be prevented, or reduced, but only if we understand their type, severity and cost in relation to the characteristics of the crash, vehicles, and persons involved. Crash data alone do not indicate the injury problem in terms of the medical and financial consequences. By linking crash, vehicle, and behavior characteristics to their specific medical and financial outcomes, we can identify prevention factors.

MMUCC logo  MMUCC - Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria
MMUCC are a voluntary set of guidelines that help states collect consistent, reliable crash data that are more effective for identifying traffic safety problems, establishing goals and performance measures, and monitoring the progress of programs.

Some of America's leading traffic safety experts worked together to develop the MMUCC guidelines, including representatives from groups in safety, engineering, emergency medical services, law enforcement, public health, and motor carriers.


Federal Register:  Guidelines for Impaired Driving Records Information Systems  Adobe Acrobat Logo

ANSI D16.1 (1996)   Manual on Classification of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents Adobe Acrobat Logo

ANSI-D20 (2003) -- Data Dictionary for Traffic Records Systems

NHTSA supports the use of uniform crash report form data elements and encourages the use of ANSI D-16 and D-20 standards.  The purpose of ANSI-16, Manual On Classification Of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents, is to provide a common language for collectors and users of traffic crash data.  The purpose of ANSI D-20, Data Element Dictionary For Traffic Records Systems, is to provide a common set of element coding instructions as these relate to traffic safety, driver licensing and vehicle registration.


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Page updated 10/18/2006

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