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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10: The Pacific Northwest
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Jobs Through Recycling (JTR) Initiative
The JTR initiative is a major part of EPA's recycling market development strategy, Recycling Means Business.

EPA's goal for the JTR program is to stimulate development of recycling/reuse businesses that:
  1. Increase the use of recyclable or reusable materials and
  2. Contribute to economic development and jobs creation/retention.
Since launching the JTR program in 1994, EPA has awarded more than $7.1 million in grants to 36 states, 5 tribes, and 3 multi-state organizations. The activities funded thus far can generally be characterized as (1) infrastructure-building projects such as the creation of Recycling Economic Development Advocates (REDAs) and Recycling Business Assistance Centers (RBACs), (2) commodity-specific demonstration projects such as Alaska's fiberboard project, and (3) recycling investment forums. REDAs are staff in state or tribal economic development agencies who pursue recycling business growth and RBACs provide business, technical, and financing assistance to businesses using recovered materials.

Based on current estimates reported to EPA by the 1994 JTR grantees, the projects for 1994 alone have to date assisted businesses in creating approximately 2500 jobs, $330 million in capital investments and 3.6 million tons per year of recycling capacity. Some 2000 potential or existing companies have received assistance from this group of JTR grantees. To read more about JTR activities across the country, visit the National JTR web site.

Region 10 Projects

1997 1996 1995 1994

Unit: Solid Waste & Toxics Unit
Domenic Calabro
E-Mail: calabro.domenic@epa.gov
(206) 553-6640
Phone Number: (206) 553-6640
Last Updated (mm/dd/yy): 10/23/2007
