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The News and Events of Avian Disease and Oncology are posted below on a timely manner as they occur.



Technology Transfer Activities:

Working with USDA-ARS Midwest Area Technology Transfer Coordinator, ADOL executed several Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) to supply various laboratories in the USA as well as in other countries with specific reagents such as viruses, antibodies, PCR primer sets, fertile eggs, monoclonal antibodies, etc. This year, ARS Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) has also entered into Biological License Agreements (USDA License No. 1448-001) with a commercial vaccine manufacturer for use of a hybridoma producing monoclonal antibodies against Marek’s disease virus.


Outreach Activities:

Several members of ADOL scientific staff participated in a one-day Science Fair that was held during the Math, Science and Technology Camp sponsored by the Black Child and Family Institute in Lansing, Michigan. The target audience was 6th-8th grade students. The students were introduced and took part in activities involving different areas of our research including genetics, pathology, DNA technology, virology, immunology, tissue culture, and farm management.  The feedback received from the students and teachers indicated that this outreach activity was very successful.



ADOL offers a unique environment for visiting scientists and scholars to get training and work experiences on various aspects of virus-induced neoplastic diseases of poultry.  The following individuals are currently visiting ADOL for an extended period:

·        Suga Subramaniam, graduate student, Cheng lab.

·        Shuang Chang, Ph.D. candidate from Ji Lin University, China, Zhang lab.



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Last Modified: 10/23/2008
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