Health Policy & Management

Health Policy and Management
Welcome to the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Boston University School of Public Health, an internationally renowned academic department for studying the financing, organization, and delivery of health care services. The Department of Health Policy and Management (HPM) offers courses of study for three degree programs: masters of public health degree (M.P.H. with concentration in Health Policy and Management), masters in health services research (M.Sc.), and doctorate in health services research (D.Sc.). Within the M.P.H. concentration, students have the option of specializing in one of three areas, health policy, health care management, and pharmaceutical policy and administration. The pharmaceutical policy and administration option is new and offers student opportunities for preparing for a variety of careers in the pharmaceutical industry or in sectors of the health care industry that support or engage with pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies.

The HPM Department consists of over 25 faculty members who are experts in many of the most critical issues and challenges facing the US health care system. HPM faculty members are actively engaged in innovative research pertaining to such topics as reducing the number of uninsured, assessing the competitive effects of hospital mergers, and developing more effective ways to manage surgical services. HPM faculty members serve as consultants to private industry and government agencies including the Department of Veterans Affairs with which the department is closely affiliated through two VA funded research centers.

HPM faculty members are also dedicated to excellent teaching and student advising. Many of our classes are small and designed to promote a high degree of faculty-student interaction. In addition, each HPM student is assigned an academic advisor who works collaboratively with the student to shape his or her academic as well as career goals.

The HPM Department is an exciting and rewarding place for individuals who are interested in careers in the health policy and management fields. We hope you will invest more time in learning more about the department and its academic programs.

General Academic Information