

Biostatisticians play a pivotal role in public health research, from planning and evaluating study design to developing new analytical methods and drawing valid conclusions from statistical results. This discipline provides the foundation for understanding quantitative research. Biostatistical methods are critical to the credibility of every research initiative.

Embracing the multidisciplinary nature of biostatistics, departmental researchers design and conduct important studies that span the continuum of public health. The department's faculty (See: Faculty Openings) has analyzed the multigenerational risk factors that contribute to heart disease, which led to a predictive tool for physicians to determine treatment strategies for cardiovascular patients. In partnership with other academic institutions, members of the department have isolated and identified key factors that contribute to higher incidences of breast cancer and other diseases in African-American women. In addition, the department has designed and implemented an important comparative study that pinpoints risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Members of the department are also actively engaged in clinical trials and methods for public health surveillance, designed to improve clinical treatments and aid the public health delivery system to identify disease hotspots.

Advances in computer technology and the development of new analytical techniques have added an exciting new dimension to the discipline. As a vital contributor to the field, the BUSPH Department of Biostatistics will continue to ensure the integrity of public health research, providing a valid scientific basis for responsible health policy.

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