
Faculty Openings
Current Faculty Openings at BUSPH:

Research Assistant/Research Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics (10/27/2008)
Research Faculty Position, Center for International Health and Development (6/26/08)
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology (2/7/07)

Boston University's policies provide for equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment and admission to all programs of the University.

Research Assistant/Research Associate Professor
Department of Biostatistics

The Institute for Aging Research at Hebrew SeniorLife (IFAR/HSL) and the Department of Biostatistics at the Boston University School of Public Health seek applicants for a research faculty position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, located at IFAR/HSL in Roslindale, MA. IFAR has 15 faculty members conducting clinical trials, observational, and genetic research in gerontology and geriatrics.  The Department of Biostatistics has 23 full time faculty members with specific knowledge in clinical trials, statistical genetics and observational studies. Candidates should have a doctorate in statistics or biostatistics or equivalent.  The successful applicant will participate actively in collaborative research projects at the Institute for Aging Research, Hebrew SeniorLife. Applicants should have an interest in aging and multidisciplinary research, as well as strong communication skills. 

Interested applicants should send their curriculum vitae, a cover letter detailing research experience and interests, and three letters of reference to:  Dr. Lisa Sullivan, Boston University School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics, Medical Campus, 801 Massachusetts Ave., 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02118. 

Boston University is an affirmative action / equal opportunity employer.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Research Faculty Position
Center for International Health and Development
The Center for International Health and Development (CIHD) has an opening for a health economist or general applied microeconomist with interest and experience in health economics in developing countries.  This is a Boston-based, one-year (renewable), project-funded position at the level of assistant or associate research professor, with the potential for renewal depending on the availability of funding and the researcher's performance.

Background:  The CIHD is a multidisciplinary research unit committed to improving public health and promoting social and economic development in the developing world.  It is part of the School of Public Health at Boston University and shares faculty and offices with the School's Department of International Health.  One of the CIHD's largest research programs aims to understand and strengthen the global response to HIV/AIDS, and in particular to evaluate and improve the prevention, care, treatment, and mitigation interventions currently underway in Africa and Asia.  Research activities are funded by a range of international donors, including the U.S. government (PEPFAR) through USAID and the CDC.  Expansion of the CIHD's programs in South Africa and Zambia has created an opening for an additional research scientist to contribute to multiple studies and serve as the principal investigator for one or two.

Responsibilities:  The current opening is for a versatile microeconomist or health economist who can both provide statistical and economic analysis support to study teams and take leadership on individual studies.  Initial responsibilities will include substantial technical involvement in studies of the costs and outcomes of pediatric AIDS treatment in South Africa and Zambia and the development of a health economics training workshop for African researchers.  Other responsibilities and new projects can be developed based on the researcher's interests and abilities.  The position is likely to require the researcher to spend about a quarter to a third of his or her time overseas, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa.


  • Doctoral degree in economics or a related field (e.g. public health, public policy).
  • Broad technical competence in economic and statistical analysis.
  • Experience in carrying out applied research in developing country settings.
  • A demonstrated ability to develop and implement new projects.
  • Demonstrated leadership potential, resourcefulness, and intellectual creativity.
Interested candidates should send letter, CV, and writing sample by post or e-mail to Ms. Devina Patel, Center for International Health and Development, Boston University School of Public Health, 801 Massachusetts Ave, 3rd fl, Boston, MA, 02118, USA, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Boston University is an affirmative action / equal opportunity employer.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology

We are seeking applicants at the Assistant Professor level to participate in both teaching and research. Candidates should have a doctorate in epidemiology or MD and research interests in one of the following:

HIV/AIDS and/or Tuberculosis. BUSPH has special interest in the impact of these diseases on disadvantaged communities.

Emerging Infections. BU Medical Center is currently constructing the NIAID-funded National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory that will provide extensive epidemiologic research opportunities.

The department has 19 full-time faculty members and degree programs leading to a Master in Public Health, Master of Science and Doctor of Science in Epidemiology.

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae and a description of their teaching experience to: Dr. C. Robert Horsburgh, Jr., Chairman, Department of Epidemiology, Boston University School of Public Health, 715 Albany Street, T3E, Boston, MA 02118. Salaries will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. Boston University is an equal opportunity employer.

Boston University's policies provide for equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment and admission to all programs of the University.
