Aquatic Resources Publications | Region 10 | US EPA

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Aquatic Resources Publications

PublicationThe Washington State Department of Ecology recently completed a wetlands mitigation evaluation study with financial assistance from the EPA. The study can be found at the site below:
PublicationCharacterization of Sphagnum dominated Peatlands in Western Washington
This report was developed by the King County, Washington Department of Water and Land Resources with financial assistance from the EPA. It contains a useful compilation of information about Sphagnum bog wetlands.
PublicationThe Development of an Integrated River Management Strategy
This is final report of analysis of flooding in the Tillamook Bay (Oregon) watershed, including strategies for reducing flood impacts while benefitting fish and wildlife habitat. It is also intended to provide a template for local organizations, such as watershed councils, that may wish to use a similar approach in designing watershed -based habitat restoration and flood impact reduction strategies. The report was funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Tillamook County, Oregon.
Publication --Aquatic Habitat Indicators and their Application to Water Quality Objectives within the Clean Water Act
Annotated Bibliography for the above publication
Publication --A Review and Synthesis of Effects of Alterations to the Water Temperature Regime on Freshwater Life Stages of Salmonids , with Special Reference to Chinook Salmon

BibliographyUsing the Hydrogeomorphic Method for Assessment of Wetlands
Publication --Using Tree Crops to Protect Streams
PublicationThe integration of basin, streamflow and channel characteristics for channel condition analysis 11.7 MB PDF file by Orsborn et al. This report was prepared through a grant with Washington Trout using NW Forest Plan money. It evaluates the application of the "regional index of channel geometry" concept to assess stream channel condition. Stream channels reflect the cummulative effects of land uses with a given watershed, and therefore provide clues to how they balance flood flows and inputs of sediment and large woody debris. Land uses, such as timber harvesting, landslides, road construction and alteration of riparian zones associated with development, can significantly alter channel width, depth and gradient. How these channel components respond to changes in flow and sediment characteristics in large part determine the quality of salmon spawning and rearing habitats of rivers and streams of throughout the Pacific Northwest. To date, we have no reliable means to judge the "state" of channel dimensions from a regulatory perspective. The report attempts to address that need by examing the concept from a theoretical as well as a case study perspective.
PublicationPacific Northwest Water Issues Survey: The University of Idaho conducted a survey of the public's views on water quality issues. You can see a presentation on the survey results, in Adobe Acrobat format on this page.
PublicationGAO Report on In-Lieu-Fee Mitigation for Wetlands. This report was published in May 2001 and is available in PDF format as a 2.6 MB file
2007 CdA Workshop 3.ppt2007 CdA Workshop 1.ppt2007 CdA Workshop 2.ppt

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