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News Release [print friendly page]
August 19, 2003

New England Field Division Hosts
Massachusetts Congressional Delegation

Special Agent in Charge Mark R. Trouville welcoming members of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation who visited the New England Field Division office for a briefing on the drug issues facing Massachusetts.
Special Agent in Charge Mark R. Trouville welcoming members of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation who visited the New England Field Division office for a briefing on the drug issues facing Massachusetts.

AUG 19-Boston, MA…Mark R. Trouville, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in New England, welcomed members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation to the New England Field Division for a comprehensive briefing on trends in drug trafficking in the State of Massachusetts.

On August 8, 2003, the New England Field Division briefed Massachusetts Congressional staff members and the Massachusetts Secretary of Public Safety. The comprehensive briefing covered the impact of international and national drug trafficking trends on the State of Massachusetts, demand reduction efforts in the State, and DEA's cooperative efforts with our state and local counterparts.

Assistant Special Agent in Charge Rodney Benson discussed with the Congressional staff members the Mobile Enforcement Team (MET) and other enforcement successes in Massachusetts.
Assistant Special Agent in Charge Rodney Benson discussed with the Congressional staff members the Mobile Enforcement Team (MET) and other enforcement successes in Massachusetts.

Special Agent in Charge Trouville opened the presentation with a history of the DEA and DEA's mission in Massachusetts. This was followed by a detailed intelligence briefing by analyst Janet Pacak and a comprehensive demand reduction presentation by Special Agent Tina Murphy. Assistant Special Agent in Charge Rodney Benson discussed the Mobile Enforcement Team (MET) program and other drug enforcement successes that have taken place in Massachusetts. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session. Attending staff members represented Senators Kennedy and Kerry, Congressmen Jim McGovern, John Tierney, Mike Capuano, John W. Olver, and Bill Delahunt.

This briefing was well received by the attending staff members and future briefings are anticipated in the other New England States.


Press Contact: Anthony J. Pettigrew, (617) 557-2138



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