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The USGS Remote Sensing Technologies Project

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Remote Sensing Technologies - Instrumentation


Adjusting instruments at the EROS station

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Remote Sensing Technologies (RST) Project supports advanced instrumentation for Sensor Calibration and Product Validation. Joint agency agreements have been established with the USGS, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to become part of seven different instrumentation networks. Components of these networks are operated at EROS.

These components collect data to support Earth science data calibration and validation. The networks collect key Earth surface properties necessary to calibrate remote sensing data and ensure product validity. These properties include high-precision global positioning system (GPS) reference data, complete meteorological microclimate data, soil temperature and moisture data, surface solar radiation data, and carbon flux measurements. Without calibrated instruments, data products could not be validated for science use; therefore, the instrument data is crucial.

The USGS instrumentation network site at EROS supports:

NOAA National Ocean Service National Geodetic Survey

NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service


NOAA National Climatic Data Center


USGS Cimel instruments support the NASA AERONET network

The RST project also provides support for instruments and vicarious calibration tools required to calibrate and/or validate commercial remote sensing data in the field.


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Page Last Modified: September 15, 2008