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Microbials and Disinfection Byproducts (MDBP) Tools
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Initial Distribution System Evaluation (IDSE) Tool

The IDSE Tool is a web-based electronic wizard designed to help water systems through the entire IDSE process. Systems first use the IDSE Wizard to determine which IDSE option is best for them. The IDSE Plan/Report Entry then creates custom forms for the selected option and guides the system step-by-step through the forms that can then be submitted electronically. The IDSE T ool is also available on CD-ROM.

IDSE Wizard
IDSE Plan/Report Entry

IDSE Wizard
User responds to a series of questions to determine their IDSE requirements and select the best IDSE option for their system. The information contained within the wizard is public information and available for access to any user. Due to the varied audience, the IDSE Wizard must be available via public access so that a user can access it from any location without having to login.

The IDSE Wizard is a web-based smart survey tool requiring the Macromedia Authorware plug-in to assist PWSs in determining their IDSE requirements.

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IDSE Plan/Report Entry
The IDSE Plan/Report Entry portion of the IDSE Tool allows PWSs to develop and electronically submit their plans and reports for all IDSE options.  This tool creates custom forms for the selected IDSE option based on the PWS’s population and source water type.  The user then fills in the required information, with step-by-step instructions and guidance provided along the way. 

To provide necessary security, PWSs must login through CDX to access the IDSE Plan/Report Entry portion.  

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EPA 815-C-06-001
The IDSE Tool will be available via CD-ROM for systems that do not have web access.
The CD-ROM version is limited in functionality:

  • Specifically designed for systems serving <10,000. Larger systems can also use the CD-ROM version, but they are encouraged to use the online version if possible
  • Users are not able to save completed templates without Adobe Writer;
  • Users cannot submit plans to the DCTS electronically, but
  • Plans can be e-mailed ( or mailed to: USEPA – IPMC, P O Box 98, Dayton, OH 45401.
  • Users will be able to request a copy of the CD-ROM version of the IDSE Tool by contacting National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) at 1-800-490-9198 reference using the following: EPA 815-C-06-001.
  • Users can download a copy of the CD-ROM version of the IDSE Tool below:

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