WaterTalk - August 1997 | Region 10 | US EPA

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WaterTalk - August 1997

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EPA News
Show details for EPA Knee-Deep in Dairy Waste ComplianceEPA Knee-Deep in Dairy Waste Compliance
Show details for EPA Stream Team Tackles "Impaired Waterbodies"EPA Stream Team Tackles "Impaired Waterbodies"
Show details for EPA Reaches Settlement with Alaska MineEPA Reaches Settlement with Alaska Mine


Hide details for Jump In and Get Your Feet Wet!Jump In and Get Your Feet Wet!
Jump In and Get Your Feet Wet!
Celebrate WaterWeeks and 25 Years of Clean Water

It’s something to celebrate! October 1997 marks the 25th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. To commemorate a quarter century of progress toward clean water and to encourage stewardship for the water resources of the nation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency invites you to Make A Splash! One way you and your family can help honor our waters is by taking part in WaterWeeks.

WaterWeeks is an annual statewide series of events throughout Washington designed to help people learn about and take action to protect our water resources. This year, WaterWeeks runs from September 1 to October 5. If you live outside Washington state, we challenge you to plan your own activity!

At EPA Region 10, our mission is to protect and restore the environment of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska for present and future generations. We envision a future where government, industry, and citizens work together as stewards to preserve and improve environmental health for all species.

We have made a great deal of progress since passage of the Federal Clean Water Act in 1972. Our waterways no longer catch on fire. Thousands of miles of streams and rivers are cleaner. We are also steadily working toward our goal of no net loss of wetlands. Challenges remain, however, and we all need to work together to ensure healthy waters for the future.

So, jump in and get your feet wet. EPA offers lots of resources to help you get involved in your community. To find out more, call the numbers listed below or toll-free 1-800-424-4EPA.

Our Web Site: Visit us on the Internet for important and exciting items of environmental concern. Whether you are researching laws, environmental education, events, or the latest EPA news, our Home Page can help you. (http://www.epa.gov/r10earth)

Our Public Information Center: We offer free publications, posters, and classroom materials, as well as an entire library of environmental videos for kids and adults residing in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Of special note is the Ways of Water Tour Guide, a booklet designed just for WaterWeeks to help you explore your own watershed. (206/553-1200)

Our Library: EPA’s entire Seattle library collection is available in-house during business hours; some documents are available for checkout. The library will mail reports free of charge to anyone outside Seattle. The public can also access the OnLine Library System, EPA’s national computer library network. (206/553-1289)

Other Good Stuff: We have other services, too---speakers, classroom visit opportunities, technical assistance, grant programs, exhibits, and more. Give us a call. (206/553-1200)

Show details for Oregon Cow Poo Soon Put to Better UseOregon Cow Poo Soon Put to Better Use
Show details for Report Documents Declines of Puget Sound SpeciesReport Documents Declines of Puget Sound Species
Show details for Model Program Takes Root, Provides Plants for Wetland RestorationModel Program Takes Root, Provides Plants for Wetland Restoration

Show details for Edmonds Wins Wastewater AwardEdmonds Wins Wastewater Award
Show details for Farm and Home Self-Assessment Program Wins HonorsFarm and Home Self-Assessment Program Wins Honors
Show details for Citizens Become Certified Watershed StewardsCitizens Become Certified Watershed Stewards

Show details for Watersheds ‘97 Conference - A Watershed EventWatersheds ‘97 Conference - A Watershed Event
Show details for Wetland Training Video AvailableWetland Training Video Available
Show details for Financial Tools Guide OfferedFinancial Tools Guide Offered
Show details for Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs ReportDrinking Water Infrastructure Needs Report

Show details for New University-Government Partnership to Benefit EnvironmentNew University-Government Partnership to Benefit Environment
Show details for Oregon To Streamline Dredge and Fill RulesOregon To Streamline Dredge and Fill Rules


WaterTalk is published quarterly by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10. WaterTalk seeks to be a useful tool for those who protect water resources and ecosystems in communities of the Greater Pacific Northwest, by providing practical resources and relevant agency news.

You are invited to contribute items for publication. Submittal deadline is the 15th day of the month preceding publication.

For mailing changes, call Tomi Rutherford at 206/553-0603. To contact the editor, call Andrea Lindsay at 206/553-1896 or 1-800-424-4EPA x1896, or email lindsay.andrea@epamail.epa.gov.
Accessibility information: This publication is available in alternate formats (eg, large print, Braille). To request an alternate format, contact EPA at 206/553-1200 or 1-800-424-4EPA.
People with hearing or speech impairments can call EPA's telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) at 206/553-1698.

Mention of trade names, products, or services does not convey, and should not be interpreted as conveying, official EPA approval, endorsement, or recommendation.

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